Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!


Okay so I laughed so hard on this one...I cried...I was having the worst day at work...and this really made my day!
Thank you :)

So funny!
I saw one the other day for FEMALE hens....

sad part is a lot of the people that i meet at the fairs i do in the summer do not have any clue that there are so many kinds of chickens....
I saw one the other day for FEMALE hens....

sad part is a lot of the people that i meet at the fairs i do in the summer do not have any clue that there are so many kinds of chickens....

I gave away four roosters to a really nice guy recently off CL.. He looked at them (these were young roos) and said "but these look like chickens"! LOL.. Huh? I finally realized he thought "chickens" and "roosters" are different things.
*head shaking*
poor guy... lol

Last summer I had a guy (in his 40s) come up to me while I was at a fair and ask me if the Jersey cows were babies of the steer… It was all I could do to keep myself from cracking up in front of him… lol then he asked me what a steer was… poor man… I don’t think he’ll ever look at a burger the same…
Ooooo....reading comprehension is NOT a strong point of a lot of people that reply to CL ads....

I'm always having people asking questions about things that are plainly stated in my listings, and then they act shocked when I answer....

I try to be pretty good with my customer service toward people....but man, I often just want to slap people upside the head. lol
Am I missing something? Maybe he is throwing in some chickens, feeders, waterers AND feed. $500??????????????

Chicken coop, rabbit hutch - $500

Date: 2011-07-01, 3:47PM CDT
Reply to: @craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Custom chicken coops hand made out of 100% treated wood. Coops measures 4'x6" and are over 4 foot tall. Heavy duty construction, and heavy duty wire!! (Not chicken wire) To keep predators out. And heave duty hinges! Coops are built on request and can be changed to fit individual needs. I can also modify the coop to be a rabbit hutch.



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Considering they specified pressure treated lumber, VERY cheap. Yeah, I'm having to enlarge my coop (darn that chicken math) and am adapting a free 8x8 shed. Chickens became legal just about two weeks ago here, and now they're chic, or should that be chick. Prices for coops skyrocketed, sheds became pricey.

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