Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

In this area, it would cost at least 1800 in materials alone, so 2000 isn't unreasonable. Oops, forgot to add in the cost of the run. Over 2000 in materials.
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Denver. I priced out a chicken coop (no run) at Home Depot. I was shocked. Ended up repurposing a free 8x8 wooden shed I got. Guess my husband has to wait for his garden shed.
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From sorta close to my area. Kinda funny how the breed names came out! Tee he he

2 Rosters -$5 (Springdale) Date: 2011-10-21, 9:22AM PDT
I have 2 young rosters avaiable they are going through their firs molt right now. They are Araconda/cuco moran mix. bothe have the color and markings of the morans one has the neck and hed od the araconda. if interested please email me. will reply tuesday. thanks heather
I think I could fit two of my hens in there. No rooster, he'd be too big. Well, if it's free, it's worth the price anyway.

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