Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!


It's for Art.
I'm sure, I met the lady once, and she rips off mutty NETHERLAND DWARFS, y'know? tiny ears? For 30$ each, and I'm like, well they look like Americans...
You read the craigslist ad this refers to, right? There is no Milk Police.
however there are the USDA and the FDA who *do* arrest people for selling raw milk. and the state of CA has an equavalent agency as well. and the CDC gets involved too. Farmers are being arrested in CA, WI, PA and other states for selling raw goats milk. that ad is fun to read, and highly entertaining, but the problems is the seller very well COULD be arrested.

Farmer Sharon Ann Palmer and two others were arrested for running an illegal farm that provided unpasteurized goat milk, goat cheese and other products for an unlicensed market, : http://articles.nydailynews.com/201...ron-ann-palmer-goat-cheese-raw-dairy-products

Rawsome foods in CA raided for raw dairy products: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/03/rawsome-raid-_n_917540.html

65 yr old James Stewart arrested for selling raw milk in CA: http://www.sodahead.com/united-stat...rested-for-selling-raw-milk/question-2516475/

Dan Allgyer closed his rural Pennsylvania dairy business after a federal judge sided with the U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationAmish farmer shut down for selling raw milk across state lines: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2...ted-by-fda-raids-shuts-down-raw-milk-business although, note that the farmer didn't transport the milk across state lines, or sell it outside his own state. people drove across state lines and bought raw milk from him at his farm. which the fed.gvt is calling interstate commerce, so that makes it a federal violation.

if you don't think there's milk police, here's some recommended reading: http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/

seriously, you need to think twice before providing raw dairy products of any kind to anyone. these and many other arrests involve undercover sting operations by federal law enforcement. there are ads in my area for folks wanting to buy raw milk... I could provide for them, but I don't answer the ads because it could be an undercover op. they are run the same way as ops snagging men looking for prostitutes and people buying drugs. No, I'm not being paranoid. ask the folks who've already been arrested. or ask the Dollarheits, who were fined $90,000 for selling $500 worth of pet rabbits without a federal license. http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/24/u...-for-selling-a-few-rabbits-without-a-license/ because pet rabbits are apparently as big a problem as raw milk.

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