Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

some people sell the dumbest things such as selling a cock for free as it will most likley be killed by some one

Well, with people not willing to do it themselves, I don't see a problem in someone getting a free meal out of it. Due to the nature of roosters, keeping up a 50-50 flock isn't really possible. There isn't a magical place where all the rehomed roosters of the world live forever in perfect harmony.
what's wrong with giving away free food? It's charity.
my favourite cock was killed when i gave it away the person was meant to care for him his name was green black and whitey i used to name them after there colours he was a light brahma i miss him
To the persons who put the Buff orphington chickens over the farmhouse fence today


come back and put some money in our mailbox to buy feed for them ,
we will try to take care of them but we need help!!!
we are not mad that you had to rehome them we will not be watching for you. We will not be looking
we are very financially strained here at the rescue $1.00-$5.00 a bag of chicken feed?
All chickens, goats, llamas,emus,endangered. Here are ALL. Rescues. We need $$$$help
Please sleep well tonight
To the persons who put the Buff orphington chickens over the farmhouse fence today


come back and put some money in our mailbox to buy feed for them ,
we will try to take care of them but we need help!!!
we are not mad that you had to rehome them we will not be watching for you. We will not be looking
we are very financially strained here at the rescue $1.00-$5.00 a bag of chicken feed?
All chickens, goats, llamas,emus,endangered. Here are ALL. Rescues. We need $$$$help
Please sleep well tonight

If a rescue can't afford the small amount of money it takes to obtain some chicken food (they could probably get it donated for free if they just asked the local feed store or Walmart) they have no business business being a rescue shelter as that means they likely don't have the means to feed the rest of the animals properly either...
If a rescue can't afford the small amount of money it takes to obtain some chicken food (they could probably get it donated for free if they just asked the local feed store or Walmart) they have no business business being a rescue shelter as that means they likely don't have the means to feed the rest of the animals properly either...

Tune in next week for the latest installment of Animal Hoarders: Hudson Valley...

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