Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Quote: HA! What if they poop then?

that's the beauty of a light brown, brown is brown just a couple of shades lighter or darker.......
But...oh nevermind.
That is one expensive bird, lol! I read it to my husband and he said at that price it would have to be kept in the house.

Are you sure you'd want this in the house? "Cassowaries are very shy, but when provoked they are capable of inflicting injuries, occasionally fatal, to dogs and people" (from Wikipedia). Heck, I'll take the long slow death of being pecked in the leg by a red sex link wanting her treat any day over that one, lol.

Oh and it's believed the cassowary has a life span of 40-50 years...that's a long time to sleep with one eye open if that guy is in the house!
Also from Wikapedia:

Young cassowaries are brown and have buffy stripes. They are often kept as pets in native villages [in New Guinea], where they are permitted to roam like barnyard fowl. Often they are kept until they become nearly grown and someone gets hurt.
Just saw this one... think I'd rather buy the jugs WITH the water in it for that price, lol...

1 Gallon Water Jugs with Lids - $1

I have 30-40 Distilled Water Jugs. Very Clean Inside & Out. $1 each Email If Interested. Thanks!

A FREAKIN' ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - $999 (ww/cov)


A rock you can make into whatever you want! You can customize it to your creativity. This bad boy has you covered! Need a ring? Got you covered. Need a bracelet? Got you covered. Need a necklace? Got you covered. Need to shut your spouse up by knocking them unconscious? Got you covered. This rare specimen was uncovered in the deep, treacherous jungles of Coventry. Seriously, we had to fight a pack of wild turkeys to get this thing. So buy it now, or your loved one will hate you!

A FREAKIN' ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - $999 (ww/cov)


A rock you can make into whatever you want! You can customize it to your creativity. This bad boy has you covered! Need a ring? Got you covered. Need a bracelet? Got you covered. Need a necklace? Got you covered. Need to shut your spouse up by knocking them unconscious? Got you covered. This rare specimen was uncovered in the deep, treacherous jungles of Coventry. Seriously, we had to fight a pack of wild turkeys to get this thing. So buy it now, or your loved one will hate you!

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