Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

I think there going to eat them...
i think thats wrong cause most of us that do this are just trying to help you know what i mean and i hate this kind of stuff it makes me so

i have adopted a few chickens this way and they are very happy and just fine its nit about not being able to afford the animal or anything its about being able to help and making new friends in the process.
I think you are right, it seems correct to me these people have either a life crises that requires the animals to be gotten rid of quickly or the poster is correct and they didn't know the upkeep on them in most instances and many people will get these animals and put them in stew pots.
Well yeah its posible but thats why i let people come to the farm and check out my setup before leaving their chickens with me that way they know their chicken is going to be just fine i give them assurance.
I was talking to an acquittance recently and a family member of his had several chickens that where given to him free even though he got out of the "business" of raising them since the economy has gone south and feed prices are going up. he keeps 1-2 roosters on hand but he's been getting so many old hens and roosters he's been filling up his deep freeze fast and the people who give him he chickens realize he will eventually butcher them he's gone from 0 to 35 hens and 2 roosters in 3 months time all free, and that's just the ones not on the table or in the freezer. He has been given no more than 5 or 6 at a time. some are even giving him their equipment for free or asking only just pennies on the dollar for the stuff (one guy gave him about $100 of equipment at used prices for $15). I just wish I had friends like that.

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