OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

since I am not close enough to help you, if you will drop me an email with your address, I will send you a little donation to help for the care of these poor babies. Won't be able to send much but figure anything will help at this point.
How long before I know they are unresponsive? How long should I try the vasoline before I switch to something else?? I just want to get these poor babies healed!! Thanks SO MUCH for the info.
Hi Deb, A lady who sold me her prize banties told me that she uses "surface spray" for the scaley leg.
I havent needed to try it on my flock.
Has anyone else heard of this.
The woman is actually very kind to her chooks and wouldnt use anything that would hurt them.
I had my candle lit for you and sent prayers for you and your chickens.
Perhaps we should change your name to angelfeather!!!!
I applaud you on your efforts to help those poor birds. I couldn't live with myself if I let my animals like that. It is one thing if you are poor and don't have the money or help, but to let them live like that and try and make a profit of them. These animals need to be confiscated and she should be barred from having any more animals. Our humane society here is very good at trying to keep tabs on neglectful animals.

Not to hyjack this thread but Bantymum since you are a horseracing fan I thought I would let you know the great racehorse John Henry passed on, he was 32 years old! He was living at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. I don't know if you are familar with him.
Hi Deb, I don't know what to tell ya about the vasoline.. I haven't had too much trouble with leg mites so far.
Vet Rx for poultry can be used for leg mites & colds & eye worm, it's all natural stuff. They have it in small or large bottles.It costs around 5 bucks for a small bottle around here.Maybe a feed store in your area may have some.
If not Jeffer's has some http://www.jefferslivestock.com/ssc/product.asp?CID=2&pf_id=16803
How are the new additions doing? how's their poop looking? Are they starting to act like real chickens yet?
I know you are a great job with them, keep up the good work.

Vet RX contains camphor and this is absorbed by the skin...I for one would not use it on sick birds as these obviously are.
(A great general overview with short summaries on Avian Toxicoses by pharmacologist Gillian A. Willis)
4.3 Camphor
Present in topical liniments and rubs. Toxicity: Stimulates central nervous system (CNS) to cause seizures. Toxic from all routes of absorption. A budgie developed seizures as a result of skin absorption, vapour inhalation and ingestion when the owner handled it after using Campho-phenique without washing his hands."
Go to Walmart, and get some mineral oil (Laxative area) and get a small bottle of Tea Tree Oil (Usually where the foot care stuff is) put a couple of drops of tea tree oil into the mineral oil...just a few drops...and then pour contents into a tupperware container so you can dunk feet. I have had birds with the scales and barnacles like you are describing and within a week they will fall off. Unfortunately, because they are sooo bad, they might lose parts of their toes too. Thats from letting the leg mites get too bad before treatment.
Wow Deb I give you credit for taking this on. You are doing a wonderful thing and those birds are so lucky now to have you taking care of them.

I have a question though. I'm new to chickens. I have 9 hens that are just getting to laying age. How do I prevent mites? What conditions are bad for them. My hens don't free range in my yard (too many dogs and bald eagles around here) but they have a fenced in run and large coop. I'd appreciate any help to make sure this doesn't happen to mine. I'm a real novice.
I just came across this thread....OMG !!! They look terrible!!!

Hard to believe anyone could have kept them in that kind of condition, it just breaks your heart.

You've taken on quite a task and I wish you well !!

Tea Tree oil is a wonderful antifungal and is used to treat mites and lice among other things. It is very potent so just use a little ( a few drops per 4oz of oil or water to start...sorry I don't have exact measurements) in the mix.

I know people who use it daily in shampoos/conditioners for their kids and pets. I've also seen it used in spray/spritzer bottles with water. You might want to mix some up with water to lightly mist their legs several times a day.

I love bag balm (I saw it mentioned earlier in the thread) and I always have some on hand...use it on myself, the kids and all the pets when needed. Great antibiotic properties to the stuff.

Good luck !!


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