OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

Deb, got your address and will drop a few bucks in the mail to you tomorrow. It's not much but in your situation, I guess even a little will help.
God bless
Thanks everyone for the helpfull advice. I will go to wal mart tomorrow, and look for the tea tree, and mineral oils. I have noticed pink in their feet today....so MAYBE the vasoline is working some? Im not worried about them loseing a few toes...most have already!! So sad. Again, thanks to everyone on here.....for the encouragement....they WILL make it.....I hope. LOL
Hi folks,

I got email from Deb last night that this lady wants some of these birds back now! She has found "buyers" for them! I'm sure she will bring us all up to speed when she has time to post, but for now, can I ask everyone to pray for her? She is not giving them up, but is afraid the woman will try to come and take them.
what a shame. No way in the world would this lady get those poor birds back. I think it would be time to start locking up the birds just in case. Afterall with all the treatment she has given them nope no way. Sounds a lil fishy to me considering the amount of birds she still has. Besides who would be buying birds in this condition?
Sounds to me this is a WAKE UP moment for that lady.... Deb you need to explain you now have time and money invested in them due to their deplorable health status and that you are not prepared to return them....if she pushes the matter then inform her you are going to make a complaint to the ASPC and she needs to get her act together....
(grumble* mumble * that lady better be thankful I live so far away... )
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I can't believe anyone would pay her money for those or any of her animals unless they were trying to rescue them. Certainly anyone interested in pet or breeding stock would see at once they are unfit to purchase as such.

I might have missed something but did you take the birds on an agreement that she could have them back at some time in the future ??

I would explain to her that the animals are in horrendous condition and you cannot in good conscience return them under any circumstances. I would also involve the ASPC as it is overdue.

I would imagine your vet might be able to give you a written note saying that the condition of the birds is deplorable and they should be euthanized because of long term neglect/abuse. If she persists you could give her a copy of the note and tell her the original is going to the authorities.

Good luck !!! The woman sounds nuts....just my opinion.


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