OH dear GOD, I am gonna need help!!! LONG!! PICS!

If the Humane Society will not do anything about this, the sheriff's department should! Report her.

There are also state head branches for each humane society. Do a web search and find the State office. If that wont do any good contact your State Ag Sec. The squeeky wheel gets the grease, is repeated because it works!
sorry, guys if you go back and read the posts you will see where she did ask for help
This was last year, you might have missed the dates? If you read this Deb, how is the rescue business going? Anymore contact from that lady? You did an awesome job. My two remaining roos are quite healthy and doing fine here
I was just over to her house a few days ago. I got lost looking for another persons house, and they know her. So I stopped in to get directions. Seems she has now gotten over the chicken thing....and unfortunately....moved to LARGER "pets" IRISH WOLFHOUNDS!! There was one big gentle giant boy that greeted me at my truck. What a sweet face...and so calm. I know nothing about these dogs, other than they are HUGE...and I am sure eat alot....but are they supposed to be...well....thin?? Like a greyhound? I saw 2 other pens with them in there. I have no idea how many she has now....im afraid to go look.
Ozark, Im glad for the updates.....so glad to hear they are doing great!
I have one little Roo left...the white silkie...and he is going to his new home this weekend. I am so happy they are all doing better.
Are you sure they were Irish Wolfhounds? Wolfhounds are often confused with the Scottish Deerhound, which does look very much like a scruffy Greyhound. Wolfhounds normally have more substance to them, they are a sight hound, but going after wolf is more of a endurance run not a sprint like after deer.

Edited to add:
If she wants to get rid of them I will take them! I've always wanted one, but was leery of their short lifespan.
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OMG, I sure hope she does not have dogs that she plans on breeding. They way those chickens were treated will be exactly how she treats the dogs.

Irish Wolfhounds are calm huge dogs. They eat quite a bit and should not be thin. They are muscular in size. It would be like having a shetland pony in bed with you. They are huge and loveable.

She must be stopped

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