Oh dear......here we go again!!!!! *sigh*

awe... he looks like a naked baby mole rat! LOL!

I too must admit I'm terrified of possums, but only because I witnessed one attack my dog and the damage those nasty teeth did
my dog killed it but not before having a few nasty gashes himself. I tried to get them apart but it was no use - it was 2:30 in the morning and the screaming woke me up

Its neat that you have them as pets though - hey if Steve Irwin could have crocodiles...
LOL - good for you!
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There have been lots of mentions of raising baby rabbits and squirrels and such...just remember that these animals give birth full term. Although the babies are small, they have 'baked' in mama for the right amount of time. Opossoms give birth to babies at about 12-14 days gestation, babies crawl to the pouch and attach to one of 13 teats, and don't let go until they are about 60 days old. It's not impossible to keep a 'pouch baby' alive, but odds are against you. Hopefully, you can beat those odds - good luck. I guess it just depends on how long the baby had been in the pouch before mama was hit.
What kind of "nasty in there"? Poop? I need to be mentally prepared in case I ever do this. Also, do they have a certain breeding season?

No, no poop in there.
Well, maybe a little from the babies I guess.....
it is just wet and slimy feeling and doesn't smell really good.
Kinda reminds me of when I used to work at a nursing home and some of the heavy residents would get moist and stinky under fat rolls.

Unfortunately the baby didn't make it. I really don't think it was his size....he was about the same age as the ones I raised a couple of years ago. The difference was, their mother was still warm and freshly hit. This one was probably there almost a full day before we found him since we know the mother was stiff and cold about 8 hours before I double checked and found him.
I was afraid he wouldn't.....he was so cold and seemed so weak when I got him.
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Great, I already have to stop and move turtles off the road... now I'm going to have to start checking possum carcasses and dragging home orphans... I'm sure my DH will give me some major roll over it too!

Now I think back to all of the dead Opossoms I pass on the road and hate to think how many babies I could've tried saving
Thanks for making me feel guilty. In the past week we've had 3 in front of our house. Now I have a new goal....must find and rescue baby Opossoms from road kill! Seriously I never would have thought. My husbands not going to be very happy when I tell him we have to stop in the middle of the road so I can go look inside of a dead mama. I can't wait to see his face
I think they're adorable

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