OH my gosh, This is bad please help!!!

Thanks for the suggestions everyone! she made it through the night and is still eating and drinking and acting normal but the swelling is the same. Ive noticed a small scab under her feathers on her head so I'm assuming that this condition was caused by some kind of bite or injury that got infected? I'm still trying to locate a vet but no luck so far I've called 13 vet clinics within 4 hours of me tring to find someone that can at least look at her but they wont see her.
Can you just take her in to one.. Once they see what has happened they are more likely to give her an examination or atleast prescribe some antibiotics if it is an infection. Its easier for them to say no when you are on the phone. They wont want to look bad in front of other pet owners by turning her away.

The fact that she is eating and drinking is a good sign. Watch her poop though- they can often have peculiar poop when they are sick.
For any sort of suspected toxin or anaphalactic shock here (this is for rabbits ) I use Kelp powder, I just mix some into some unflavored pedialyte.

I know a lot of other breeders swear by Vit E caplses (the kind with the liquid in it)

I sympathize with trying to find a vet, any of them do avain specialties? Or maybe try your local 4H cooperative extension, they may be able to put you in touch with a farm vet. I ran into similar issues last year when I wanted a rabbit fecal slide done, I had a few say well, we don't see rabbits, they're exotic pets. To which I said you aren't seeing the rabbit, just the poop. Sigh.
I had a muscovy hen that got bit by a snake and looked just how yours sounds. Her head swelled up to the size between a baseball and softball. It looked aweful! But she recovered in a weeks time. Hope thats all it is!
i have a chicken that has the crop (maw?) swollen for 3 days now. a neighbor told me maybe she got bit by an insect or something and it is gonna be fine in 2-3 days. the 3 days passed and my chicken is still swollen. so, i called the vet and he said "ooo, my god, they have coccidiosa. go to the pharmacy and get coccistop". it seems this is a disease that hit birds that are 3-4 weeks old. today i gave a pill to my chicken and i have to give her again tomorrow and a day after tomorrow. for the other birds, the vet will bring me some medication that prevent this disease.
so, my advice for you, guys that have a similar problem, is to get your birds to a vet.
Do you have a nature center or wildlife rescue service near you? I had this happen to one of my cats once. They thought he was bit by something large and had to put a drain in to reduce the swelling. It was horrible as the whole area crackled when you touched it. We could never figure out what bit him.

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