Oh, the Drama!!! WTT. Long, sorry.

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's noses...or your siblings. Sending Christmas cards & invites still feels like the right thing to do. Afterall, she has not stolen any money, is not into drugs, hasn't egged my house, slapped my kids, or tried to sleep with my husband.

She is just a spoiled drama queen who annoys me from afar, you know?

I love my siblings ... even more now ..

I love her too...just with a 10-foot pole

I have plenty of "other" siblings that are great/crazy in their own right. (10-in-laws, 4 ex-steps, 1 step, 1 half sister, 23 nephews and neices) But this is the only full-sibling that I grew up with. You can love them, but the more you do, the more they can push your buttons...
Thanks for listening.​
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I think you are on the right road Laree. You keep taking the high road and she can keep shooting herself in the foot. She asked you about dates for her wedding and then chose the ONLY one you could make and now she is mad?! And holding a grudge for HOW long??? She can complain all she wants, but I am sure everyone can see who is being the problem child here.
I'm sorry, it's so sad when people are like that.

I don't think you could do any more, or any better then you are now. I hope some day she grows up

my Grandma is 1 of 7, she only has one sister, who is older then her. Sadly her sister and mom alway treated her like she was in the way or never good enugh.
She does have a very close friend who is like a sister to her. and I am very close to her, and in meny ways I'm like her too

I have 4 younger bros, ages 20-13 and we are all really close. we get mad at each other, but we come out with it and it blows over fast. I think it's kinda silly how people try to dance around how they really feel fo the sake of being polite.
May I introduce her to my mother? They would hit it off famously!!!!

Absolutely not. Then they would get together with my mom, start a club, throw meetings, produce a "Laree is evil" newletter, host convetions, and have an overall negative impact on the environment. Carbon footprint and all that jazz.

We need to act responsibly when it comes to the Earth
Absolutely not. Then they would get together with my mom, start a club, throw meetings, produce a "Laree is evil" newletter, host convetions, and have an overall negative impact on the environment. Carbon footprint and all that jazz.

We need to act responsibly when it comes to the Earth

Well, we could ship them off somewhere where there is a TV, remote and they can biotch at each other, right?? Your sister can plot and my mom can scream at her for being stupid. Works for me!!!!

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