ohh my goodness yuk


9 Years
Oct 23, 2010
I had a chick hatch with a large amount of unabsorbed yoke..I was headed to work so decided to leave well enough alone until I got home... some 10 hours later.. well there was .. ick.. all over the chicks that hatched.. eggs still in the bator.. and the "culprit" was running around like nothing happened. I know exactly which one it was since I had only one BO egg in the group hatching. Well needless to say, some of the chicks needed a bath.. and although I would never have chosen to do it.. I had to help alot of chicks out of their sticky eggs -- I was afraid to wash them pipped...that nightmare is over.. the last of the chicks are drying from their bath.. and I am about to candle the remaining eggs (they were due the 16th) to make sure all that intend to hatch have.. (update since I didn't press submit..lol.. no other icky eggs are viable.. I guess a bit of a blessing)

Now.. the hatcher has been cleaned..temperature and humidy back up to level-- just in time for another batch to be locked down..

how much did he had no absorbed? you saying the yolk that was not absorbed exploted??? i have a baby that just hatch and he had maybe half of the egg yolk hanging what do i do???
I have had them hatch with a little bit.. but this was larger than normal.. I honestly didn't hold out alot of hope for the baby.. and since I was at work.. I don't know if it "leaked" as the chick moved or what.. it was a mess though.


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