OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Love it! Not the freezing water though!

Well i like the winter just not the 1 degree - bit extreme for me - my chickens look outside when i open the barn door - look at me - and shake their heads like you have to be nuts! The sheep is the only one that will walk out - she looks around and goes back in the barn lol . Wimps!
My pig has a heated water bowl, some kind of dog dish looking thing my wife got for her. Now she wants to buy a harness so she can put her on a leash. One spoiled pig. The chickens have a nice tight coop to live in. They do not like snow. I go out and open the door to their run and if there is snow, they just look out. Rain doesn't bother them, cold doesn't seem to prevent them from going out, but they do not like cold and wind combined. Makes 'em walk funny if it's windy. Their waterer is set on a warmer, but if it is below 10 degrees that might have a ring of ice on it. I have a brooder heat lamp set up to plug in if I need to keep the waterer from freezing. Yeah, my chickens are kinda spoiled too.
Yeah i keep lights out there as well and the barn itself is warmer - but yes they will not go in the snow AT all . I feel bad for them - but what can i do besides push them out to have them come back in? Plus with the wind chills when really bad i dont even open it to keep them warmer - they have plenty fo room inside .
Ours have been out about 1or 2 days/month. I feel so bad for them! A couple weeks ago, when we had that warm day, we were all outside and the chickens finally ventured out and up to the house. I hadn't laughed so hard in a long time-watching them try to run on the icy driveway was insane! Do you all open up the coop every day? I wonder if it's worth it knowing they won't come out, that and it just stays so cold in there.
I really sort of judge it - and honestly when it is single digits and really windy i dont - just knowing they wont and to help keep the barn warmer. Nothing funnier than watching a little "dinosaur" try to run on ice!
I don't let the hens out long either.They pretty much stay right around the shed door while I put in the warm water,clean out poo,and toss around some salad mix. I usually do that 2 times a day. I forgot the eggs outside the other day on the bench.Oops! They were cracked and frozen solid.

I like the cold way better than the freezing rain we had!
Yes, I open their door every day. It is a very tight coop and the little door lets in needed air circulation for them. The cold gets in too but you don't want condensation forming in the coop. Mine don't seem to be bothered by the cold that much, they fluff up and just keep going. I think it might depend on the breed as to how cold hardy they are.

It started snowing here before I got around to open their run door this morning and when I did several hopped right out as there is yet to be much on the ground. Just outside their door I broke opened a bail of wheat straw early on. They have that scattered all over now and like to go out and scratch in it. It also keeps down some of the mud and helps to keep their feet a bit cleaner.

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