OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Ok. Thanks.  Will start this weekend.  I wanted to ask you how old are the ee's? So you are going to the Delaware and Lucasville? I probably won't be able to go to Delaware, but maybe I could ask you to pick me up a couple of blessedchicks showgirls? I would like to have 2-3 of them, depending on the price.  She is hatching out some for the swap.  If you can do that for me, I will get with her and see about the arrangements.  :bow
the EE hatched 6/9/13
I can do that for you if you can't go, no problem!
i quarantine for a month and give preventative antibiotics, wormer, and vitamin suppliments. in case where i buy a mate for a "lonely" chicken, i will go ahead and pair them up. in my case i just cant risk the chance of bringing something in.

i will admit i am kicking myself in the rear end over not buying Kirsten's ameraucanas.

I still have them, and will be bringing them to the Delaware swap
Araucanas, though.
7 dust will only work on external parasites. (i know this will start an argument) DE is worthless for chicken parasites, i have recently done alot of research on it. they only way it will kill lice and mites is if you literally smother them with it, as far as worms you would have to feed so much to the chicken that it would kill it by either dehydration or internal bleeding. however small amounts of DE in the water will help with feed to weight gain ratios, and may strengthen bones in cornish rocks.

you can try tobacco, make sure its dry. break up a cigarette onto a piece of paper. when the tobacco crumbles easily, crumble it into small (pepper sized) pieces. sprinkle small amounts onto the feed. use as small amounts as you think is sufficient, chickens can overdose on nicotine pretty easily. egg withdraw is one week

unfortunately no matter what you use to treat for worms- if it is effective its a poison. you will have to throw them out for a period of time.

someone else may have better advice on this, but if they arent looking sickly or expelling worms i wouldnt treat. some worms are good for chicken health, just like some bacteria are good for us. most chickens will have a few worms, sometimes its more risky to use a poison to get rid of them than it is to leave them.

My vet agreed to check some chicken poop for worms for me when I brought in my cat. No sign at that time, and that was two years ago. I have access to microscopes at work, so I guess I could do it myself at some point too. I have never seen any signs of worms or external parasites except for scaly leg mites. I did the cooking oil dip for that, and so far, so good.
Ok. Thanks. Will start this weekend. I wanted to ask you how old are the ee's? So you are going to the Delaware and Lucasville? I probably won't be able to go to Delaware, but maybe I could ask you to pick me up a couple of blessedchicks showgirls? I would like to have 2-3 of them, depending on the price. She is hatching out some for the swap. If you can do that for me, I will get with her and see about the arrangements.

LOL! Right now I'm in panic mode since we had a 4 hour power outage last night. The 'bators only dipped to 81* so I'm praying all will be okay. I'm setting more blacks/showgirl eggs under my broody splash girl tonight, just in case. No matter what, I can always hatch out SGs for you and we can arrange to meet for a drop off...no prob at all! I seem to do a lot of "custom hatches" anymore, especially with my partridge
EIS - Empty Incubator Syndrome. I have it already and I've only recently been bitten by the bator-bug.
Nice selection there! Good luck with the hatch!

My incubator was off for two weeks in June. It was traumatic. Other than that, it's been on since last October -- and I'm actually not swimming in chickens! How can that be???!?
My vet agreed to check some chicken poop for worms for me when I brought in my cat. No sign at that time, and that was two years ago. I have access to microscopes at work, so I guess I could do it myself at some point too. I have never seen any signs of worms or external parasites except for scaly leg mites. I did the cooking oil dip for that, and so far, so good.

Thats a good idea. I will be taking our cat in to get fixed soon. I may ask our vet if he would check for me. No signs of worms or ex parasites her either. But it would be nice to know for sure.
LOL! Right now I'm in panic mode since we had a 4 hour power outage last night. The 'bators only dipped to 81* so I'm praying all will be okay. I'm setting more blacks/showgirl eggs under my broody splash girl tonight, just in case. No matter what, I can always hatch out SGs for you and we can arrange to meet for a drop off...no prob at all! I seem to do a lot of "custom hatches" anymore, especially with my partridge

Thank you blessedchick! that would be great! So here's to your hatch
Just in case this hatch doesn't work out, I may take you up on the drop off offer. I mapped it yesterday, and it is less than two hours from here. That's no problem. I showed shaybaby's pic of her SG to my DH and he just laughed! I'm really excited about them!

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