OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Just had my first Buckeye hatch yesterday. Been waiting for these guys for awhile now.


What did you make your incubator/hatcher out of? Is it a repurposed cooler?

Also, where did you get your Buckeyes from? Nice to see folks in Ohio breeding them.


What did you make your incubator/hatcher out of? Is it a repurposed cooler? 

Also, where did you get your Buckeyes from? Nice to see folks in Ohio breeding them.



My incubator is indeed a repurposed cooler, homemade and cheap! Cost me less than $8 to make and have hatched many birds. I would be happy to share info with anyone. The buckeyes are directly from Jeff Lay. I am very happy with them an have spoke with Jeff on several occasions. I would highly recommend.

We are new to having pens so i can start breeding, i think my silkie is wanting to sit on some eggs. 1) i just some some in the incubator 2 days ago and i think she started yesterday or maybe the day before... would it be good to put maybe 4-6 eggs under her? I think she has 2 right now. 2) do I need to move her away from the rooster and the other hen? Its not a very big space they are in but would it be okay to keep her there, and if i did move her would she still be willing to sit on them?

I've only had one other broody and she was part of my free range barnyard mix which she hatched only 2 out of 6 but seems to still be sitting on them 2 days later and somehow this is the one that has the Guinea egg too (not sure how that happened)
Hi all and those who are new to thread! Well we won't be adding a second coop or blue giants it seems till next year which is OK with me, sort of. lol! I am having a ball watching this years chicks grow and change, only a few more weeks till they can go to transition. I can't wait for them all to be mature to show the colors in the feathers when the sun shines on them.:):):)
We are new to having pens so i can start breeding, i think my silkie is wanting to sit on some eggs. 1) i just some some in the incubator 2 days ago and i think she started yesterday or maybe the day before... would it be good to put maybe 4-6 eggs under her? if you add more eggs, they will hatch at different times. The first to hatch may cause her to leave the nest early which will leave the other eggs to die. If these eggs were incubator stared the day or the before she started to set, you could do that. I would give a first time sitter no more than 6 eggs. New sitters don't always do the best job pancaking out. Give her just what she can comfortably cover.I think she has 2 right now. 2) do I need to move her away from the rooster and the other hen? Its not a very big space they are in but would it be okay to keep her there, and if i did move her would she still be willing to sit on them? my broody hens abandon the next if moved, if the other two are leaving her alone, I'd leave her.

I've only had one other broody and she was part of my free range barnyard mix which she hatched only 2 out of 6 but seems to still be sitting on them 2 days later and somehow this is the one that has the Guinea egg too (not sure how that happened)
are the other eggs she's sitting on viable?
are the other eggs she's sitting on viable?
I took them away from her today 3 were bad and one looked like it might have drowned before pipping. i went ahead and put the guinea egg in the incubator and candle that tonight to see how its looking. i've noticed with the two she is taking care of now she won't leave her nest for anything. i was a little worried about so i went in with a bowl and water just so i could make sure she was getting something. she seems like a nice momma hen already though so I think the two she has are going to be great!

with the silkie it seems like the other two are leaving her alone. today she went and got something to eat and drink and the roo corner her and did his thing, so i didn't know if i should be concerned.

Another strange thing happened today too! I was gathering eggs from my Marans/ Olive eggers. One of the olive eggers was stiff in a sitting position in middle of the nest box? I am not sure what to make of that, or what could have happened.
shaybaby the rooster in picture 1 is a barred rock.i have him and his brother :cd

Wow! He's so dark and colorful for a BR roo, which is why I thought mix. Nomatter, so handsome! :love

Another strange thing happened today too! I was gathering eggs from my Marans/ Olive eggers. One of the olive eggers was stiff in a sitting position in middle of the nest box? I am not sure what to make of that, or what could have happened. 

Yuh-oh. That doesn't sound good. Sound like the symptoms in this thread?:
Here's a handy poultry disease list:
John here from the "Pumpkin Capital of the World" (don't take that to seriously). Circleville, OH-I-O!!! Preparing coop and yard areas> Anticipating young ones next Monday. First time father.
Can't wait.

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