OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I would like to know how you did your incubator.

My incubator is indeed a repurposed cooler, homemade and cheap! Cost me less than $8 to make and have hatched many birds. I would be happy to share info with anyone. The buckeyes are directly from Jeff Lay. I am very happy with them an have spoke with Jeff on several occasions. I would highly recommend.

I never post pics but my babies are getting so big & pretty!






We are trying so hard to get our coop ready, but it seems like everything else is getting in the way!

This week, our septic system overflowed all over our basement - twice! So we had to deal with that. Then, we were out working on the coop and a storm rolled in, bringing more hail than I have ever seen in my life (2 of the piles next to our house took more than 36 hours to melt), and a tornado warning, which we had to ride out in our soggy, stinky basement. Then, today, our basement flooded from the rain... Argh!

I was hoping to buy 8 week old pullets from someone up near Cleveland, but I think they will all be gone by the time I am ready to get them. I was hoping to avoid chicks, since I have never done it before, and we are going to be on vacation in early July. But I may have to go that route.

The coop itself is quite large - a 9x16 permanent coop with part dirt floor and part raised wood platform. However, the guy we bought the house from only used it for meat chickens. We built nest boxes from wood we had in our barn when we moved in, and we put in a nice 8-foot long 2x4 roost. We mostly need to trim off old screws and nails that are sticking out in random places and cover the screen window with hardware cloth. There is a LOT of ventilation, which is good, but I am worried it will be drafty come winter.

We are planning on getting 2 barred rocks, 2 black australorps, and 2 easter eggers to start, and go from there. We'll free range them, but we will also build a run at some point, for when we will be away from home, and we may ultimately make a large pasture, if we have too much trouble with predators.

I am chomping at the bit to get started, but I also want to do it right...
Uhg, I really need my chocolate Wyandotte roo to sell so I can hatch out chocolate orps! He's living with my orps right now.

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