OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

In the Delaware area I sell mine for $3 a dozen. Raised from $2 to help offset feed cost. Cannot get my girls to lay enough! Grocery stores selling brown eggs for $4+ a dozen....mine truly come from happy, spoiled hens.
Also, for those who might be interested...tempted....check out Papa's Poultry (facebook or website). Jeff is running some great Cyber Monday specials if you were wanting some of the breeds he carries. HIGHLY recommend him--I ordered from him last November with reservations as CA is a long ways away. His communication is great, pricing decent and I am very happy with every pullet I received. Orpingtons are huge, fluffy and gorgeous, love my CCL's with their awesome mohawks and lively blue eggs. I ordered 10, got 11 and all arrived and survived. Have ordered another 8 for next spring because I cannot help myself...and really want more Marans and Orps.
Must stay away from pc.....
Well that is great that you folks are getting that amount for eggs.

But here as you drive around any road you will see signs $2.00 a dozen brown eggs.

I did notice there was one family selling for $2.50.

Once I get the whole herd laying I will see what the area will pay.

Thank you for the info!!!!
I only charge $2 for a dozen when I have them. I had to buy eggs myself last week. My SS are in molt and half bare while my bantams are taking turns giving us 1 a day with a extra large thrown in from the large fowl now and then. My newestimate Cochins have yet to lay. Should be soon, I hope.
ToniTalley I understand not all of us owners are the same and have different set ups. I envy you for being able to free range! My runs are almost 30x30 combined since I can't let mine out due to high hawk numbers and other animals. We figure to give them more run space since they can not range. We turn em out in the yard now and then but you have ti babysit during that time. Flipping hawks.
I have the hawk thing here too. And like you when my girls are out, I am out. I let the girls out every day around 2/3 pm and they mosey into the coop around 4:30 give or take a few minutes.

Lost one to the hawk. Since then I have a Hawkcrow that my dog attacks all the time chasing the DVD disk I have hung on his arm, reflecting a bright glaring spot of light around and around!

Since I have done this I don't seem to see them around as much. I do look for them every minute I'm outside also.

Best of luck to you!
Hello fellow Ohioans! I'm so glad it is supposed to be warm this weekend. I need to finish winterizing. When the water froze last week, I had to get my poor DH out of bed to run the electrical cords out to run the water heaters.
All we really have left to do now is put up plastic on the run. We got 6 mil plastic, so hopefully it will be thick enough not to tear easily. This is our first winter with chickens so we are a bit nervous about the upcoming months. Everything I have read says that they will be fine in their dry cozy coop but it's hard to not worry about the little fluff balls.
Hi, I live near Wellington in Lorain county. Just retired and took up raising chickens. Got my first group on June 22 and this  month ( November ) they started laying and I am getting a dozen eggs in 3 days. Sometimes 2 days.
 I have 9 that are laying 5 that should start soon.
 I have 3 that are 9 weeks old and 20 that are 2 weeks old.
 Plan on stopping around 50 and hope to sell a few dozen a week and supply family with eggs.
 Around here they are getting $2.00 a dozen and happy to pay it.
we are practically neighbors - I'm in Litchfield. Good luck with your chickens and retirement

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