OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

FlyingNunFarm weekends are for road trips!!
We drive 3 hours to Michigan this spring to get some Silverudds Blues.

You are 4 hours from me...1 way! Maybe if you want some hens or eggs from up this way next year we can do a trade at half way! LOL
Wish me luck. I put the indoor chick outside with the rest of them for playtime and left them be. The mom let her nestle underneath her wing so I have hope that she will accept the chick. I went out to check on them and everyone went inside to bed except the lone baby who couldn't figure out how to get in. She's a week younger than the two the broody hatched. I picked her up and stuck her in the nest box the broody has taken as hers.

Fingers crossed that Agatha accepts the chick. I may wander out later tonight to make sure she's not alone and frozen.
Wish me luck. I put the indoor chick outside with the rest of them for playtime and left them be. The mom let her nestle underneath her wing so I have hope that she will accept the chick. I went out to check on them and everyone went inside to bed except the lone baby who couldn't figure out how to get in. She's a week younger than the two the broody hatched. I picked her up and stuck her in the nest box the broody has taken as hers.

Fingers crossed that Agatha accepts the chick. I may wander out later tonight to make sure she's not alone and frozen.

They say you never know how they will be accepted, but I hope the chick survived the night and is doing well now!

I have one recent broody that is taking excellent care of month-olds, another due within the next 2 days (and these are from the same pen!), then another due within the next 6 days, and 2 more after those! I hope they will all be good mamas like the first is, but if any have trouble with their chicks, I'll try seeing if a good mama will raise them.
They say you never know how they will be accepted, but I hope the chick survived the night and is doing well now!

I have one recent broody that is taking excellent care of month-olds, another due within the next 2 days (and these are from the same pen!), then another due within the next 6 days, and 2 more after those! I hope they will all be good mamas like the first is, but if any have trouble with their chicks, I'll try seeing if a good mama will raise them.

Good luck on your broodies!

Agatha is apparently a pretty good mom. I'm actually impressed. The lone chick was nestled in with her last night and when I checked on them this morning they were still asleep. I wanted to make sure the chick was alive and accidently woke up all the chicks.

I refilled the small water dish and put food out for the family. Which, of course all the other birds, had to come over to try to eat. I ended up perching there to keep them blocked. They won't come within arm distance most of the time. All I have to do is point at them and they will avoid the area where my arm is stretched out. After I leave, it's a free for all again.

But at least I think the chick is settled in.... until she sees her human mama and forgets she's a chicken again.
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Got my first egg this morning! Yahooo! The shell was very soft, and the egg itself was teeny tiny, barely larger than a ping pong ball. Is this normal for the first eggs?

Got my first egg this morning! Yahooo! The shell was very soft, and the egg itself was teeny tiny, barely larger than a ping pong ball. Is this normal for the first eggs?

That's awesome! I remember when we got our first one, the kids went crazy and ran out to coop to get it.
In my own personal experience, all my eggs were fairly small in the beginning. I even had a olive egger lay green one day and brown the next, she couldn't decide. Lol

Got my first egg this morning! Yahooo! The shell was very soft, and the egg itself was teeny tiny, barely larger than a ping pong ball. Is this normal for the first eggs?
aww wahooo!! How old is the chick that laid it? I heard very small for the first eggs but not heard soft. See how they do and if soft still, add more calcium enriched feed or treats (purina has a new layer feed we will use)

Got my first egg this morning! Yahooo! The shell was very soft, and the egg itself was teeny tiny, barely larger than a ping pong ball. Is this normal for the first eggs?
aww wahooo!! How old is the chick that laid it? I heard very small for the first eggs but not heard soft. See how they do and if soft still, add more calcium enriched feed or treats (purina has a new layer feed we will use)

Also add oyster shell to the coop if you haven't yet. They eat it to fill their crops to grind food but it replaces calcium they lose from egg laying. New layers lay small and usually a few days between then get more stable as they go. Eggs will get huge and you will find double yokes for a time too.
@mamatink7 @cabinchicky

They are just a few days shy of being 20 wks. I haven't yet switched them to layer feed, just because I have about 5 pounds of grower left I would like to use up before I buy new feed, don't want it to go to waste!
@mamatink7 @cabinchicky

They are just a few days shy of being 20 wks. I haven't yet switched them to layer feed, just because I have about 5 pounds of grower left I would like to use up before I buy new feed, don't want it to go to waste!
not an issue...put the layer in with the grower and mix around very well, then give them this. This also will help the transition to a new feed AND provide the necessary ingredients for layers. You can also add oyster shell or egg shell to the grit, the ones who need it will peck at it. I can't wait for them to start!!! Oldest bunch are 9wks now and just started last wk on the non-medicated grower lol

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