OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I was hoping this forum could help me with this part. I know we're getting 3, it's my favorite number, and I good starting point in my opinion.
We also know that we want egg layers, these chickens will NOT be eaten (Fiancé was pretty set on that lol)

What have you buckeyes had the best experience with in our climate (central Ohio)? Also, we want ones that are known to be friendly, as we have 4 kiddos between 6 and 14 between us.

Thanks for the welcome and in advance of your opinions.

I always thought this was neat. Asks some questions and gives you an idea on breeds you might like. I personally go for more of a duel purpose hen. I had heard about health problems in heavy layers depending on where they come from. A reputable breeder less so but I'd rather be safe then heartbroken. I love my little Wheaten Ameraucanas. They are very friendly and have great personalities. I get a few eggs from my 2 girls every couple of days. Not a daily layer. They are still young though. My mixed breed hen is very friendly and has been a great egg layer. I have some Black Copper Marans as well. Not exactly friendly. Not mean or anything but would rather you not pick them up for snuggles.
They are so so on laying. With making the shell on their eggs so dark it takes a little longer. So again not a daily layer. I also have Brown Leghorns. Great layers but take a long time to molt. I worry about their breeding. I got them second hand with 2 Production Reds. I already lost a red to reproduction issues.
If you get 3 I would go with 3 of the same kind or three that look similar. Chickens can be bullies sometimes to one that doesn't look like the rest.
I'm sure others will give opinions on what they like and why.
Enjoy your new feathered friends. They are so much fun! Stop by the forums any time. So many people who love to talk chicken!
I was hoping this forum could help me with this part. I know we're getting 3, it's my favorite number, and I good starting point in my opinion.
We also know that we want egg layers, these chickens will NOT be eaten (Fiancé was pretty set on that lol)

What have you buckeyes had the best experience with in our climate (central Ohio)? Also, we want ones that are known to be friendly, as we have 4 kiddos between 6 and 14 between us.

Thanks for the welcome and in advance of your opinions.

Out of the cold hardy ones, I've heard repeatedly that buff orpington's and barred rocks are the sweetest. I also have 3, having lost a sweet buckeye to a hawk early on :(
I've got a light brown leghorn, an Easter egger, and what's supposed to be an olive egger but she lays white eggs. Be careful if you shoot for olive eggers because they mix mystery breeds to get them. She is the least cold-hardy of the group because she's slimmer and has a very large comb. I was scared she was a rooster before she started laying!
My Easter egger is definitely the cuddliest of mine. I call her my lap chicken because she's in it every time I sit down. She's nice and chunky and has a tiny pea comb so is well suited to the cold.
I was hoping this forum could help me with this part. I know we're getting 3, it's my favorite number, and I good starting point in my opinion.
We also know that we want egg layers, these chickens will NOT be eaten (Fiancé was pretty set on that lol)

What have you buckeyes had the best experience with in our climate (central Ohio)? Also, we want ones that are known to be friendly, as we have 4 kiddos between 6 and 14 between us.

Thanks for the welcome and in advance of your opinions.

Black sex links are great layers and mine is the friendliest of my flock. She lays an egg almost everyday for me (one day off) My second favorite is barred rocks. Mine only lay 4-5 eggs a week. Australorps are another great layer but so so on being super friendly.
I was hoping this forum could help me with this part. I know we're getting 3, it's my favorite number, and I good starting point in my opinion.
We also know that we want egg layers, these chickens will NOT be eaten (Fiancé was pretty set on that lol)

What have you buckeyes had the best experience with in our climate (central Ohio)? Also, we want ones that are known to be friendly, as we have 4 kiddos between 6 and 14 between us.

Thanks for the welcome and in advance of your opinions.

Also... unless you already eat 2-3 eggs every single day or have a good plan for how you're going to use them, their laying rate is really not hugely important. My girls are giving me a dozen a week and we're always struggling to keep up!
Since their laying starts to taper off after just 2 years or so, think about holding off growing your flock (BE WARNED ABOUT CHICKEN MATH) right away.
@Dihce Most of the breeds mentioned are great, I'm in NE Ohio, my friendliest hens are Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Australorps, RIR & French Black Copper Marans - they're all wanting to be pick up and petted, good layers too, even my White Leghorns are super friendly. You mentioned you got kid, my kids love the Easter Eggers & Copper Marans colorful eggs. I got multiple generations of these birds since they are great, my most aloof ones are the Wyandottes. Finally I agree w/ @kindofodd "beware of chicken math" since I originally only wanted 3 hens but now we got over 20.
anyone in Ohio have Oregon Mini Geese? I am in need of a gander. I have three hens and no fertile goose eggs.One year old gander and my original gander who evidently is not doing his job.
anyone in Ohio have Oregon Mini Geese? I am in need of a gander. I have three hens and no fertile goose eggs.One year old gander and my original gander who evidently is not doing his job. 
by chance did you sell a pair of buff saddleback poms back before Christmas? Near Dayton?
I was hoping this forum could help me with this part. I know we're getting 3, it's my favorite number, and I good starting point in my opinion.
We also know that we want egg layers, these chickens will NOT be eaten (Fiancé was pretty set on that lol)

What have you buckeyes had the best experience with in our climate (central Ohio)? Also, we want ones that are known to be friendly, as we have 4 kiddos between 6 and 14 between us.

Thanks for the welcome and in advance of your opinions.

Welcome to the Ohio thread! :) Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers are very friendly and cuddly in my experience. They are both pretty good layers as well and the Easter Eggers lay colored eggs! Buckeyes also make very good Ohio chickens as they were created in Ohio and made for the crazy Ohio weather! I've heard that Brahmas and Cochins are very wonderful birds too, but they are quite large, making them a little difficult to hold.
I would suggest not getting a rooster, as it is their nature to be protective and aggressive. Most, not all of course, will inflict damage if you aren't careful, I have been flogged more than once, and wear protective clothing and take a stick with me now. I would send our guy to freezer camp but he is a good protector of the girls, so I put up with him.

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