this so called rescue is the reason that so many pets are put to sleep...

I have been looking for a small dog for quite sometime now i am on the "waiting list" at the shelters all around me...I went to the Toronto Humane Society and i was denied...because of the fact 1 the Toronto by-law is no more then 2 dogs..(i dont live in Toronto i live in the country about 1 hour away 2 acres) when i brought that to their attention i was told they dont provide services to ppl who liveoutside of city limits...so I challanged that with the supervisor...and i was told that because i already have 2 dogs and my vet is "not known" to them that i was not able to adopt..

1) i already have 2 dogs than i know the cost involved...
2) so what i live outside of the city
3)of course you dont know my vet I DONT LIVE IN THE CITY!!

I happen to live in guelph which is where the RCMP send their dogs when surgery is needed and where we have a top notch research facility for animal care..the University of Guelph in known counrty wide for their dedication to animals..they are the best Vet school in the counrty...so i have access to good quality pet care...lol (sorry a bit of a rant there)

so i have come to the decision that i am going to a breeder to get my puppy..and i dont feel gulity about cause i have tried all the other resources out there...
OMG people can be so silly.... There's an old saying "you can't reason with crazy." But to give you a problem and say they don't help eople out of the city.....that's insane. People adopt animals all the time from different cities and towns... my last rescue was from a kill shelter in OHIO and I live in NY.
IDK she's only 27 lbs... I was thinking Manchester Terrier but my bro-in-law shot me down...she's definitely a terrier...I think... If only there was a Heinz57 category...she'd be perfect.
i think because of the fact that i had 2 dogs at the time (my baby Tala just died yesterday) and the fact that i have 3 children and 2 cats...on a "normal" basis this does not sound like a "good" place for another dog...but because we knew my girl was on borrowed time with us we wanted to start our search early...but the one thing that they did not take into consideration is that i am in the counrty..and then they started making excuses to stop from looking stupid....but bill engvall was right all along stupid ppl should wear signs and i know what i wanted to put on theirs...
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really? that is interesting...I am surprised our trainer didn't mention that..I am definitely going to check it out. Thanks so much...
Conroy, I work for a pet food company and I'm in pet supply stores every weekend, which means I come in contact with many rescue groups. I have to say that, unfortunately, A LOT of the rescuers that I come in contact with are some of the most snobby, hateful people on the planet. They act like they are pet gods and goddesses and they created the poor, homeless pets that they claim they're tying to find homes for. I'm sorry, but these people really tick me off with their better than thou attitudes. Believe me, I've seen MANY of them and the majority are ALL THE SAME. I have come to believe that it would be easier to adopt a child than to rescue an ANIMAL from some of these people. Sorry if I've offended any rescuers on here, but I speak the unfortunate truth in regards to some of these people.

Pet rescuers, you are not animal gods! And by treating people the way some of you do, you are helping the cause of backyard breeders everywhere... because people would rather pay a backyard breeder, who just wants the money, for a dog than to have to deal with the hateful, snobby attitudes some of you possess.

I've wanted to do that for a long time and I feel better now.
Actually, I think the rudeness progressed from both parties. It's sort of like what I imagine a thread would be like if people were allowed to question and discuss moderation with mods.

The OP sent in an app, and was denied. If she had left it at that, there never would have been an issue between the two people. The OP did say that she should have kept silent, and really, I agree.

Move on and find another place to adopt. I suggest putting an ad here on BYC.

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