IMHO you have NOTHING to apologize for. You did your research, you filled out your application, you asked questions out of the concern for the animal, and you offered up your home for investigation. Unfortunately you ran into a rescuer with a God complex and a major chip on her shoulder about pure bred dogs. She really needs to get out of rescuing as she has lost site of what it really means to rescue. Find an animal a good caring home. Like Yours! Your SIL just happens to be dealing with the same thing - just remind her that and not to be discourage.

Enjoy your new adorable foster pup. Give that one the love and care that it needs. When the time is right it is right you know?
I agree, I actually started to write an apology email...then stopped. I think you are right, there's no reasoning with crazy.....and I am hoping lil CLover's owners don't show up.... we love her already.
I WOULD NOT apologize. The rescue is the one doing the pre-judging, what do you have to be sorry for? Besides, she probably already has it firmly planted in her mind that you two were planning on starting up a breeding program together.
Just wanted to say that I'm sorry you had to deal with all this. I have found similar situations here. I found 4 kittens (eyes not open). Noone would help, not even my vet which is to say not my vet anymore. Happy to say they all made it to good homes after being hand raised. That was 3 years ago. Recently we wanted to adopt a puppy but have the fence issue and we are military( another strike against us). But found a two mnth old heeler lab mix at an animal control. She is the best dog ever. I'm so thankful that they were willing to let us adopt her. I don't know why ppl think the military give up thier pets. My cat of 9 years can attest to the fact that once your in our family you are there to stay. The latest case was my mom wanted to get another cat. Her last cat had died a couple years ago. I saw one at petsmart rescue that I thought would be a good match. So told my mom. She contacted the lady to set up a time to meet the cat. The lady said she would bring the cat over to meet her. This was all fine but the lady never showed at the appointed time and never called again. So it left my mom wondering what happened. My mom was more worried about her having been in an accident or something. She ended up giving a home to a cat that belonged to a family at her church who had lost thier home due to the economy. It is now a very spoiled cat. Somehow things always seem to work out but it does make me sad that some of these rescue places just don't get it. I know everyone is trying to do thier best but it makes me wonder how many good homes have been passed on just because it doesn't fit the expectations perfectly. Sorry this is so long, this subject really gets to me sometimes. Good luck!

I'm a proud owner of two horses (one a rescue), two cats (one a rescue), one dog (rescue) ,one goldfish (rescued from the county fair) and 6 chickens.
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Wow, quite a story. It definitely sounds like those are not the right people to adopt from. I understand that they probably feel the need to be extra careful placing purebred AmStaffs, but geez! Anyway, Clover is absolutely adorable...looks like she might be a shepherd/rottweiler mix or something like that, hope you get to keep her! As for Ginger, I think she could pass for an Australian Kelpie. They are maybe a little bit bigger, but not much, and I think she definitely has some characteristics of a black and tan Kelpie.
We were also denied when we tried to adopt a rescue livestock guardian 4 years ago. The reason was that our 160 acres was not fenced with "approved" fence. What better place for a livestock guardian dog on a ranch doing what they were bred for?

The adoption fee was 350.00 to 500.00 for a puppy under a year and up to 250.00 for adult of which they called a donation. A lot of these rescue groups seems to be shooting themselves in their own feet. It is a shame when these groups make it more costly and diffecult to adopt a dog then it is to purchase a purebreed dog. Perhaps these groups need to decide if by their rules are they fueling the problem of unwanted pets that they are trying to prevent.

I have a livestock guardian dog that we purchased and I am sure many others that have been denied have done the same thing.
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Now, that Clover is ADORABLE! I'd call that serendipity.

And I, for one, think Ginger could be ILP registered as a standard MT. Worst they could do is say no, right?

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