**Ok..now I'm freaking out** new to laying pullets...


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Iron Station, NC
This week I've gotten 5 eggs so far from either Corey or Melanie, my two 4 month old pullets (NHR BO) (3/10 was when I got them).

They haven't laid in the nesting boxes yet, they seem to like digging on the coop floor and laying there.

Well, Corey has been in the coop twice today to nestle on the floor where she's been laying (i'm assuming it's her doing it) SHe was in there almost an hour each time and nothing was left behind. She didn't lay anything.

Right now she's out in the yard pecking around, eating, acting like her normal fat self. Now Melanie is in there in a different corner of the coop..I'm assuming she's getting ready to lay. :|

Are they too young? Also, I was just reading that light plays a huge part in egg laying..these guys come out of their pen at around 5:30 to 6am and are either in their coop pen or yard until 8:30 pm, then they have a nightlight on. Do I need to turn the light off every night?

I'm PETRIFIED of one of them getting egg bound bc I did something stupid.

PLEASE PLEASE help me understand this whole egg laying process. I thought I did, but since I'l flipping out, I guess I don't!

Thanks guys.....
I have had pullets get on the nest and sit awhile get up cackle up a storm and when i look no egg. I guess they thought they needed to lay but, it was just a gas pain.

Some breeds will lay at about 4 months especially if they are fed allot of protien and grow up to fast.
I would turn the light off at that age they are big girls.
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Mine were on the grower from baby to about ..OMG, I forgot when I turned them over to 15% finisher. (blush) 12 weeks maybe? I honestly can't remember!!!

Now the girls are slowly going over to 16% layer crumbles with the 15 %. All DUmor brand rec'ed by TSC.

Have they grown too fast?
When my girls first started laying eggs, they did not lay every day. Usually it was every other day and pretty soon every day. Their eggs were small at first, and then grew in size as they did. The small ones are really tasty!!

I have noticed that if it is too hot, or when we had a lot of smoke from the fires, they did not lay on a regular schedule. I keep track on a calendar in my shed how many eggs are laid every day so I can better know what is going on with my flock. Some days are certainly more productive than others. I think some days too, they just don't feel like it. (there are probably no facts to support that statement....it's just what I think)

Not sure why you would need a light on at night. I would keep it off and let the girls get a good night rest. Big production egg farms keep lights on 24/7 so hens will lay round the clock but those hens also wear out after about 18 months. I don't think most of the folks on this site practice that policy.

Some have put a fake egg or golf ball in the nests to encourage or show the
pullets where to lay. Hope this is helpful.
So are you saying you need to withhold good quality feed to slow there growth?

Not feed formulated for them . I'm refuring to extra protien like meat or game bird feed. Cooked eggs in to heavy a dose will make young birds shoot up and get to big to soon. Not that a moderate amount of stuff like that isn't good but, just not allot of it per day.

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