Mine took 5-6 months before they started laying. My wyandotte is 6 months now and I am waiting for her to start laying. She has been squatting for a couple months now.

It's a tough wait! Now that I'm getting eggs, all my family, friends and neighbors are asking for them. We barely have enough for ourselves.

Good luck, I hope you start getting a steady supply real soon!
I have 13 hens that were born mid-april, a few started to lay in early Sept. Then quit for a week. I also have 3 BR's and 3 Buff orp's 3 weeks younger. Now I am getting 12- 14 eggs a day. I have yet to see any of the buff's lay or get into the nest boxzes, nor either of my 2 SS's which are part of the older hens... Not sure if they are sneaking in when I am not out there or not! I am out there quite a bit though. The BR's started a few weeks ago. Be patient and they will start when they are ready!
I feel your pain!!!!! 22.5 weeks, still no eggs!!! lol I don't know what is worse, waiting for the eggs or having eveyone (friends, co-workers and fam) ask daily if they have laid yet!
The thing that slays me is people thinking just because they ask for free eggs, that they will get them. Not sure they fully understand what it takes physically/monetarily to maintain a flock. Now, if they're willing to give my ladies some scrap to offset the feed costs, well then I can see it in my heart to maybe knock the price down.

*grumble grumble*

That's a good point, too! Not only are chickens not vending machines, they're not EVERYBODY'S vending machines.
The thing that slays me is people thinking just because they ask for free eggs, that they will get them. Not sure they fully understand what it takes physically/monetarily to maintain a flock. Now, if they're willing to give my ladies some scrap to offset the feed costs, well then I can see it in my heart to maybe knock the price down.

*grumble grumble*

Right! My husband says our eggs will cost $43 a dozen for the first six months to offset the start-up expenses.
They will all lay eventually.....They will all lay and then slow down, I have 5 hens and I get 2 eggs a day! If that! Not to happy with them!
I too am tired of waiting.
Purchased 3 Blue Ameracaunas (2 pullets and a rooster) about 5 weeks ago. They were born in mid March supposedly and the breeder assured me they would be laying "any day now"
when I paid top dollar for them. Brought them home they adjusted well to the 2 RIR hens already there. I purchased 3 more RIR pullets hoping to up the egg collection rate. I am now getting 3 -4 eggs daily but still no blue eggs from the Blue Ams. They eat the same feed, sleep on the same roost and are tended to by the same rooster. So either Blue Ams are really persnickety
or mine happen to be sterile
. Nonetheless I am setting a DEADline
either they lay or I filet.
So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would love to hear them
My feed store chickens started laying about 10 days after we installed a light on a timer in their coop. It comes on at 3:30 a.m. and goes off at 7:45 a.m. The days were getting too short here to supply the minimum amount of light they needed. I think I am still waiting on eggs from my two RIR's but the white rocks and barred rocks are on a roll now.

Good luck! (I was researching chicken fricasse recipes myself!)
Oh, also the laying started a couple of days after I started giving them oatmeal in the morning with some BOSS mixed in. For eight chickens: 2 c milk and 1 c rolled oats cooked in microwave on high for 1 min 30 sec, then 1 c BOSS stirred in. They love it. Was this a coincidence, do you think?

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