Ok, so I really dislike Angelina Jolie

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Angelina.............oh.........I better not. I typed a few things.............
She stole him from his wife Petra too.

But this was about the movie really - it just ended and I would TOTALLY recommend to anyone - whether you hate her or not.
I really dislike her too.

If she's in a movie, I won't watch it.

99.9% of the time I feel the same way, but DSD turned this movie on. I let her have the remote. Turned out it was a very moving picture to watch. She still sucks eggs. But it is based on a true story and was a great movie.
I don't much care about nor think about Hollywood folks, but she does strike me as being a little self-absorbed. I know it may seem like she runs about doing good things, but one can do these things on the quiet just as easily, so it seems like a bid for publicity. They say they are trying to set an example for other wealthy, famous people to follow....but somehow, I just don't buy it.

Brad is still a dish, but not much under the hood, IMO. Good to look upon but, I agree...not a real man at all.
Angeline Jolie is a little better than, ummm, well, she's way better than, um, well.... Okay, she sucks big time.
Well now that was uncalled for!
You leave my dog out of this...

Sorry! I was talking about another kind of dog............
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