Ok, so I really dislike Angelina Jolie

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You are a guy - all us women KNOW why you men like her. It is not a secret.

I really, really LOVED that movie. That poor woman! It was an injustice what happened to her.
Whoa.....and all that time I thought it was Jessica Alba you drooled over!
I think she/they are a little over the top with all the adoptions and the kid thing. Is adoption wonderful - YES! But these two seem to have become almost like COLLECTORS - isn't she expecting again as well? Didn't they just have a set of twins? What gives?
I really don;t follow them anymore after she stole Brad. I get sick of seeing their faces all over the place. IMHO if it was try charity we would never see the pics.
She is a good actress and her movies are fun to watch. I don't know about her personal issues or what she does outside of making good entertainment, I don't care really. Kinda like Michael Chiarello. Love his food, can't stand his working methods or how he treats people in his business. But, he is one of the best chefs I know. Wonderful food.

I guess what I am saying is, enjoy the moives eat the deliciousness and forget the person behind the characters portrayed or the dishes served. Life's too short to worry about what someone else is doing, as long as they aren't tyring to do it to me.
There are certain actors/writers/musicians/artists/etc... whose persons are so abhorrent to me that it overshadows any actual quality their work might have.

I met a certain actor a few years back and he was so outright jerk rude that I no longer can see him as the role he is playing, but as the jerk he was in real life.

There is also a celebrity that I met in real life and she was so polite and thoughtful that even though she has a reputation as being a worthless twit I cannot see her that way (Paris Hilton, I'll name the good one).

Some people engage in activities or hold views I find so outrageous I just cannot stomach any of my money going to possibly support their causes and thus cannot purchase any of their works. For some I feel their views have the potential to be outright harmful to myself and others and I refuse to have any of my actions possibly construed as giving them the fame and fortune to carry out those activities.
I think this whole thread is quite tacky and lacks any sort of class whatsoever from people who usually demand it.

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