Ok you live frugal but Christmas is right around the corner. Now what.

Our two boys are grown and learning to live on their own. Last year I found on sale at Barnes & Noble binder recipe books with blank pages. Contacted relatives for favorite recipes which they emailed back. Got busy on the computer and made recipe pages in Word of favorites I have made over the years they were home. Added ones from grandma who is now gone along with the other family submissions. Put the persons name who's recipe it was known for. Those books were the favorite gift of the day. Everyone wandered down memory lane remembering all sorts of things or when they last had a food item from the book. The books were less than $10 on sale and my time to pester family and get it printed out. I also emailed copies to family that asked. Both boys have used their books and will even say.."that's one for the book" when I make something new.

This year its baskets of home canned tuna, jelly, salsa, apple cider, apple sauce &l their dads special fish stew. If I find time I will add baked goods.
New toothbrushes fill stockings nicely.

Cheap candles transform the house to heavenly.

My kids always liked to bake and decorate the cookies (also called Xmas supper). The stuff like that we did was always the BEST. Some folks string popcorn / cranberries for the tree.

My favorte crafty thing is to cut old Xmas cards into circles. You then fold the edge of the circle over triangle. Then, you glue the folded edges of the circles together, and you make balls out of the little circles. For added glamour, glue glitter to the edges.

You can also do this with photos or any stiff paper.

Happy holidays!!!
Well, we are atheists and this year we are doing Hanukkah (every year, we celebrate a different religion's winter holiday to teach the kids diversity). My kids are used to getting the bare minimum. They are almost 6 and 9. They will probably get some construction paper and crafty things (still trying to figure out one present for each night!). Less than $20 each kid. And that's all. Dh and I don't buy for each other. He will probably pick up something small for his mom and dad, but all the nieces, nephews, cousins, etc? Nope. We walked away from that materialistic frame of mind a long time ago. We all get together and bring a dish. Kids don't need toys. They need love and quality time and lots of open space to play with their cousins.

I do something similar to this. I save all the cards we get every year but cut them into pretty tags for gifts instead of ornaments. If the card has a cute Santa on it with mostly background for example, I will cut out Santa, punch a hole in his hat and string a pretty ribbon (all saved from other gifts obviously!) and tie it on. It is a lot of fun to match the cut-outs to the papers or to the likes of the person opening the gift. AND you never have to buy tags
We are living check to check ourselves (and on only one check as I am an at home mom/student/PT sitter) for a family of four. Things are about as tough as they get in our world, but the best things we do for Yule is decorate the house and tree together, plan a feast for Yule, and pile in the car on Christmas Eve with mugs of hot cocoa and drive around looking at lights. There are a few gifts under the tree... which I have made a point to acquire over months and hiding until December to ease the stretch of money in one sitting... and they are usually from consignment shops or even Goodwill (toys) packaged ever so nicely! When they are young you can get away with that. My older daughter does get things on her list which tend to be humble since our family doesn't put a priority on trends.
Good luck to you and keep focused on what the season is all about to begin with! : )
since DD that lives with us had a baby we help support and DH lost his job due to the economy less than a week after baby was born money is tight this year. so I am making angel christmas ornaments out of wire ribbon $1 a spool and jingle bells less than $3 for 45. I will attach them to a christmas card and give them to the adults in our family and at my church.(it also gives me something to do..lol) for the kids in our family w have set a limit on how much we can spend. my kids get 1 big item and stocking stuffers from the dollar store. and the 2 grandbabies will get a toy and something the need. like clothes. And if I find good deals on dvds I will buy some for the whole family. I used to go to the movie rental store and buy used dvds (they have since closed ) we do family movie night and watch movies as a family on rainy days.
We are doing a homemade Christmas- simple as that.

I canned up extra goodies this year in hopes of doing the Christmas thing, and so far it all looks good. On toys I think we will spend maybe $50. I have already gotten a few presents for my kids (bought them back in the Spring and Summer.) I am doing homemade jams and bread, cowboy candy and homemade crackers, Picture albums for the grandparents, lots of cookies and candies. I have a lot of cookie mixes in the freezer (get them on sale and with coupons) and I make most of my own flavorings for candy. I buy sugar by the 25lb bags - so much cheaper that way! So really I won't be out too much.

I guess I am lucky because my kids are 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 so they don't think they HAVE to have anything yet. I am hoping to instill it in their minds that no body needs all that Made in China Junk that will probably be recalled within 6 months anyway. or break. lol

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