Okay, let me get it right this time...


Allons-y, Alonso
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
The wonderful countryside, UK
Okay, so i raised 8 peachicks 2 years ago, and only 3 survived. This year, i have hand raised one peachick, straight from the egg, and he is now 9 months old. We wormed him and put him in with the other peacocks a few days ago. The problem is that he thinks he is a human and follows me around and doesn't really know how to interact with the other peacocks. Any suggestions? He has a little hut that is ment for night, but he spends most of the time in there, looking out the window. I really don't want him getting picked on. He is frightened of the others. Any help? Please?
As you can see, we have a close bond, an he follows me everywhere.
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He will probally change on his own, you are so lucky that you have a close bond with him. My peafowl are so WILD.. I wouldn't want to try and break up your bond if I was you.
Aww that is soo cute! I hope I can raise a peachick to be tame like that...I want a tame peahen that way she can teach her peachicks to be tame too. I think he will eventually get used to other peafowl. You just have to show him it is okay. Maybe keep him in a pen were he can see the other peafowl and interact with them through the fence. Watch him from someplace hidden so he doesn't have you there to run to. Do you have a peahen that is really tame and sort of thinks she is a human? Maybe that would be a good girlfriend for him and they would get along.
No, he is the only peacock that tame. Ive been watching him, and he seems to want to go into the duck pen. He was raised close to some ducklings, and im wondering if maybe i could put him in with the ducks?? I dunno, but he just seems so depressed. I did pt him in a separate pen, close to the others, but he didnt take any interest....
Hmm well if he doesn't like peafowl then maybe you should just try putting him with the ducks if that is what it takes to make him happy.

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