Okay, seriously, when is this site going to slow down!?!?!?!?!

Ya Nifty-Chicken my wife curses this site about every night cause I'm always on here reading new posts and not paying enough attention to her! The other night my wife yelled supper was done and til I got there it was cold man did I catch heck for that!
wow... ya go away for a couple of months and look what happends this place has EXPLODED with people.
i remember when it used to be quiet, like 5-9 members on at a time.... now there's TONS!
i've been so busy making a living that i've forgotten to make a life...
Pringle_Sussex ish back and going to post more often now
I was thrilled when I found BYC a few months ago! Then, add The Easy Garden to it, OMG what a pair!!!

One thing I was wondering...is there any banners/graphics available for those of us that would like to "advertise" BYC on our blogs/websites?

Thanks for the nice comments Amy... this site is only as good as the great members we have here!

Also, fantastic idea about the banners. I'll put together some quick and easy code that people can copy / paste to put on their sites.
I am a newby here, but do love the site. I want to offer some advise to the new folks. I did not know that you had to watch the date on the posts and not respond to the older ones. As one grandmother to another, I thought I was being helpful with some advise, but the mediator had to lock it for becoming incinerary and was upset that it had become reopened. I do want to apologize and to pass it on to the new folks to watch your dates.
Hi gardeningsis, welcome to BYC!

We don't usually dissuade people from posting to old topics unless the topic is either no longer valid (e.g., a thread on if we should add private messages) or a thread that has been superseded by another active thread (e.g., the old coop design contest has been replaced by a new contest).

Other than that, if a topic is still helpful to you and the community, and has good information that just needs to be updated, there isn't really a problem in opening it back up.

I hope that helps!
Well , I honestly think with the price of food skyrocketing , more and more people are getting chickens for meat and fresh eggs . I don't think I could EVER eat any of my babies tho ... I won't say NEVER .

Never dreamed I would tie myself down to a backyard full of chickens . LOL
I don't want to even go shopping anymore , imagine that .

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