***OKIES in the BYC III ***

You know....I like the new format if I am on my computer but it really is not iPad friendly
Cathie that's what makes it fun, you never know what we might say much less type!!! Don't let that stop you!!!!

I stick my foot in my mouth all the time & then there is Metzford he lives with his in his mouth so we are friends!
Six are you still breeding quail?? How many kinds do you have now???

Langshanman~ Looking forward to the show! How busy will you be while the show is going on???
N.E. Oklahoma Poultry Show has closed the books , the 500 bird limit has been met, thanks to all whom entered, if your did not get your entry in , please come out and support a good cause, the Pryor 4-H , there will be sale birds from many breeders and around noon a short live auction for a few pairs, also a raffle table, hope to see many of you there. Thanks for you support.

Good deal Ken.. a well rounded entry? or alot of one breed?

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