***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Seems like your hatch is really strung out

Yes it is. They were due yesterday but the Spitzhaubens started 2 days early. One died after pip. 5 of 11 Cochins have hatched and one is starting to zip now. 1 of 4 Japanese Bantams have hatched. 1 Have 8 eggs that I am still waiting on to pip. If the bantams don't hatch I will be very disappointed. They are from my breeding pair and I really want all of them to make it. I have staggered hatches for the next 3 weeks so I get to stress for awhile.
Any Okies with Jersey Giants?
I have a few Jersey Giant chicks that are one day old.
Yes it is. They were due yesterday but the Spitzhaubens started 2 days early. One died after pip. 5 of 11 Cochins have hatched and one is starting to zip now. 1 of 4 Japanese Bantams have hatched. 1 Have 8 eggs that I am still waiting on to pip. If the bantams don't hatch I will be very disappointed. They are from my breeding pair and I really want all of them to make it. I have staggered hatches for the next 3 weeks so I get to stress for awhile.
got any new pics of the babies?
Kass, I hope you enjoy your trip to New Orleans. I have a friend in LA that says Brennan's in N.O. is awesome, if incredibly expensive. She said that breakfast there will easily run two people $100 or more! But if you go there, she says their Banana Royale is a definite must, although loaded with calories. I decided that if I ever go to New Orleans, I will come home bankrupt and fatter.......

Have fun!
Kass, I hope you enjoy your trip to New Orleans. I have a friend in LA that says Brennan's in N.O. is awesome, if incredibly expensive. She said that breakfast there will easily run two people $100 or more! But if you go there, she says their Banana Royale is a definite must, although loaded with calories. I decided that if I ever go to New Orleans, I will come home bankrupt and fatter.......

Have fun!
Funchick is the one going to NO, I was just congratulating her.
I am suppose to have call ducks hatching today, but no signs of a single pip. Hope they surprise me soon.

Nana thoughts & prayers for your family.

Funchick have a blast in New Orleans & eat plenty of amazing food for all of us. If you are going soon you can catch a crawfish festival & enjoy so many fresh seafood selections. I love the aquarium & just looking at all the old architecture. When we arrive I instantly feel at home again & haven't lived in LA since I was 14. DH loves it as much as I do & we entertained the idea of retiring there, but Oklahoma is where we are staying.

The house is coming along. DH is certain we will be moved in before the end of the yr. Biggest challenge is me trying to figure out where I want lights placed. Think it will take longer for me to decide than it will for them to wire the entire house.
morning okies, for those of you that use frontline on the birds for mites- does it work? I have some resistant mites, ivomec isn't taking care of it....

on the duck front

i have 4 kittens still needing homes, how can anyone resist these faces??

built in rodent control!!:)
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Let's keep this event on our calendars and think about donating items.

At the next Newcastle Auction May 18,
here is some information on how we can help
benefit the Junior Oklahoma Poultry Show in December 8 - 9 at the Shawnee Expo Center.
To encourage those young people, Scoots and Modernman want to
help raise funds to give money prizes to those who place.
In the past these young folks have received a certificate and a ribbon.
Any eggs, birds, equipment we donate will be sold without a commission and
all the proceeds will be added to the fund.

Let's all think about donating and bring or send items to the auction in two weeks.
If we want to encourage young people to stay with chicken keeping/breeding,
we need to do as other shows do and offer nice prizes.
These young people
are the future for poultry keeping.
morning okies, for those of you that use frontline on the birds for mites- does it work? I have some resistant mites, ivomec isn't taking care of it....

on the duck front

i have 4 kittens still needing homes, how can anyone resist these faces??

built in rodent control!!:)
They are adorable and if I didn't have two grown ones already I would sure be tempted.

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