***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@bardies, will it be a shock to their system to put them outside in December? I certainly understand letting them get some body fat and more feathers.

@trues - hoping our weatherman is correct on Sunday! Would love to put the little ones outside on still green grass.....
I second everyone else - they need wind protection. If there is no wind, then the feather insulation plus heat lamp should be enough (and other warm bodies). If there is wind - it will cut that heat away from their bodies too quickly and their feathers - though initially and for a short time do the job - will not be enough, and the general stress on them will take its toll. They need wind protection even if it means making their space smaller. I know folks that use hay or straw bales.
Is Lola one of my babies? We had very few Roos out of those hatches. Rebecca is going to be jealous! How does Lawrence (of Arabia). Larry for short sound.
Yes, I got her from you at POOPS. I have 2 little black pullets now so I can keep him/her. DH pointed out the tail feathers. I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. He is going to be huge and beautiful. I will get pics tomorrow weather and schedule permitting.
So Don and Carl, how did you fare at NewCastle on Saturday?

Carl, Hope you do well with the all game show.

Checked the nest last night and there were two Delawares and a Quail d'Anvers hatched and two more pips. Will check again this morning.
We had stripped our garden on Thursday and spent Friday morning visiting with Rebecca when she came to pick up three young Cochins for her breeding program. Then we cleaned veggies and canned 32 quarts of chow chow....should last a while. We had a good frost on Saturday.

Has anyone heard from Amy lately? Wondering how she is doing.
Finally! Somebody who knows what chow chow is! I have a big mess of green tomatoes I pulled from my small garden, and I don't eat fried foods much, anymore (which is a shame, this time of year). You guys have any suggestions what to do with them? I've almost decided on balsamic pickled tomato chunks, but I've never canned green tomatoes, so I'm open to new ideas.

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