***OKIES in the BYC III ***

 where did you get your Heritage Cochin? Are those the ones from Bo? So very tempting. I've been stuck in this Chicken Candy Store for 3 yrs come spring and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight for me :-/

Yes, I bought eggs from Bo and hatched cockerels. Then I bought eggs from Jim Heinz (jheinz77) and hatched pullets. And have lovely descendants. I just bought in January two Black pullets from Larry Dye at the Shawnee show. They are also out of Bo Garret's bloodline.
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Great. I wish I had gotten on here and found all of this out before I ordered from a hatchery!! What are the breeds with the best temperaments? Once I get rid of my two RIRs I will have a Brahma, Americauna, Barred Rock, and a couple of Silkies. What would be a good fit with them? Should I stick with more of what I have or can I add new ones? (I have heard Wyandottes are good and calm...)
I have a Brahma trio, and I adore them. They are hatchery stock and eventually I hope to get breeder quality. I am glad I started with hatchery birds so that I get an idea of what breeds I like. I got a heavy assorted layer mix and am so glad I did. I probably wouldn't have ordered an Orpington on my own and jeez would I have missed out. I got one Buff Orp and I LOVE her!

This is Big Mama (she has gone broody twice but I haven't let her hatch yet)

If you are unsure of what you want maybe just do a random selection. Most hatcheries offer a mix layer selection and you can always add or subtract to your flock once you have a better idea of what you want! Don't give up on your RIR pullet yet, if you work with her, handle her and love her she might turn out to be a wonderful bird, if nothing else my RIRs are GREAT layers!
My personal problem now is I know what I want, and I can't get them quickly enough.....
It is a good thing to have a couple of older chickens to help start out.. It is a great learning curve..

Ok cool. Could you explain what you mean though? I appreciate any help I can get :D
I grew up with lots of chickens so I guess I FEEL I have the adult chicken thing down lol. But I could get into this and realize it's totally different from what I remember so if it'll help to have some older hens, so be it!
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That was Gregory II who I got from you.. Gregory the first was a golden laced, he was old, blind in one eye and I loved him dearly and miss him a lot....
I think you already had Gregory II when you got Carson from me, he was a light Splash. Too much confusion lol
I have 2 Gold Laced Cochin brothers who are huge now, about 7-8 months I think. I'll get a current picture of them. You'll love them.
Yes, I bought eggs from Bo and hatched cockerels. Then I bought eggs from Jim Heinz (jheinz77) and hatched pullets. And have lovely descendants. I just bought in January two Black pullets from Larry Dye at the Shawnee show. They are also out of Bo Garret's bloodline.
Cochins and SIlkies were the 1st birds fell in love with. I have just 1 Blue Cochin hen left from the very 1st hatch I ever did July 2011. I think all the time how I'd love to have more. Your Cochins are so big and beatuiful, very tempting.

But I still bet he's a rooster.
We'll see.
ROFL! Easiest way to tell is to put a young hen in the same area as him. If he starts a wing dance it's a boy.

True, but I wouldn't want to do that till his feet are all well first. Could open up a sore doing the dance.
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Originally Posted by NotSuperWoman

Originally Posted by shelbydog

I would be interested in going in on an order for speckled sussex with someone.

Ok. I plan on ordering from Ideal Nursury or McMurry's. Unless you have another place your recommend? They don't seem to be available unitl April or May???

So we will have to wait a few months.

I can place the order. I live in Tulsa, and my transportation is very limited so we would have to figure out how you all are going to get them. But I live withing walking distance to the post office so I can pick them up and get them in the brooder right away when they arrive at the post office. If it is bad weather I will make my hubby go get them before work.

Any other places you can recommend to order? I don't need show quality, I just want some pretty heritage breeds.

Cackle Hatchery http://www.cacklehatchery.com/ has some really nice Speckled Sussex.

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