***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I do a sinus flush without the neti pot. I just heat distilled water to a bearable warm temp, throw some sea salt in it, and snort it. I used to get horrible sinus infections that always complicated into bronchitis so bad I would end up in the ER for breathing treatments. Now, at the first sign of a sinus infection, I start flushing, and no more lingering ick!

Kass, I hope you're feeling better. I know you have to be miserable.:sick
I am going to assume that being a health care professional you did go and see a doctor? If not it's time. Pneumonia is nothing to fool with, had it twice this winter and now my breathing is diminished.
A health care professional go to the Dr, before death's door!!!!
If I am no better by Mond I am planning on calling the Dr
I used to feed outside, but got tired of all of the wild birds coming in and snacking. Now feed the dry always available feed in, and snacks outside....because those get gone fast... Plus, sometimes I open up the coop late, so it gives them the opportuntiy to eat and drink while they wait for my lazy butt!
Does anyone use Texas Naturals chicken feed and know where to source it in the OKC area? Our local farmers market had some today but no chick starter.
Also any feedback on the product is very much welcome!
On our way to the Muskogee Renaissance festival. Where people have crummy fake Brittish accents and the womens breasts pour out of their corsets. That being said with sarcasm. They tenth person to say "M'lady" to me is going to get the stink eye. At least there is wine. I would rather be home.... I have three eggs pip this morning so maybe it's better I be gone so I'm not on edge. Waiting next to the bator like it's my fave entertainment. Hmm... might have to see if there are any speckled Sussex left at the TSC...
On our way to the Muskogee Renaissance festival. Where people have crummy fake Brittish accents and the womens breasts pour out of their corsets. That being said with sarcasm. They tenth person to say "M'lady" to me is going to get the stink eye. At least there is wine. I would rather be home.... I have three eggs pip this morning so maybe it's better I be gone so I'm not on edge. Waiting next to the bator like it's my fave entertainment. Hmm... might have to see if there are any speckled Sussex left at the TSC...
I went once, not really my thing, but awesome people watching opportunity. I went w/ my father and step mother so had to be reasonably sociable, would like to go back one time w/ just me and my camera, think it could be great photo op.
I went once, not really my thing, but awesome people watching opportunity. I went w/ my father and step mother so had to be reasonably sociable, would like to go back one time w/ just me and my camera, think it could be great photo op.

LOL Yes it is a people-watching place for sure. Not a place I want to chase my kids around though! Although their kiddie area is pretty good.

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