***OKIES in the BYC III ***

so, i need some advice. the starlings are eating everything i put out for the chickens. i want to get a bb gun and shoot at them to scare them off. will my chickens think that the bb's are a new delicacy and eat them up? seriously. stop laughing!

Probably, they eat rocks. Doubt it would hurt them.
Ugh!!!! My son had a friend over for the weekend and this afternoon I found out he has head lice. I ran to the store and bought lice spray and Lice shampoo. All the bedding and coats have been washed in hot water and the beds have been sprayed. Do I need to do anything with my chickens? I do know they looked at the chicks and maybe touched a few. Will head lice jump from human to chicken? What about my dogs and rabbits?

Ugh! Head lice hell!! I see you got the proper info on human and chicken transmission. I just want to tell you that my oldest daughter had lice once - no big deal. But my youngest had live twice and both times that shampoo did not work! So we made up our own concoction for these super lice. We used Dawn and leave it on her hair awhile. It kills the live ones. Then for not picking which isn't fun in hair that's down to her butt then she smothered coconut oil on her head and left it on over night with a shower cap on. Then we go through and the nits are much easier to get and pull out with a fine tooth metal not comb. Plus it smothers the nits/eggs so I think it makes them less likely to hatch in a week or how ever long it takes. Worked both times / but not like a charm because it was a lot of work. With your son you can just shave that hair all off. Thank goodness we don't have to go through all that with chickens. Haha
Probably, they eat rocks.  Doubt it would hurt them.
is it awful that I can answer this? My boys and those BB's!!! I found a whole bunch behind our shed that they must have spilled three years ago at least and I know for a fact the chickens hang out back there. If they have ate them then there hasn't been any issues. I have seen them chase a plastic BB and I took it away from them.
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Other strange thing the birds eat that doesn't seem to hurt them is styrofoam! Several found a styrofoam minnow bucket stored in the barn and pecked it full of huge holes.
We also insulated barn walls we were residing with those big styrofoam blocks. Mice tunnel tru those and the tiny pellets fall out. The birds consume any the wind doesn't blow away. This has been going on for several years and we have seen no ill effects.
It's my uderstaning that anything they can't digest will remain in their gizzards, since their digestive system won't pass such things. I've read where when a chicken is processed and its gizzard is opened, all sorts of things, mostly metal screws and such can be packed in there. Apparently as long as the gizzard doesn't get too full, it doesn't seem to hurt them. Of course, this could be an old wive's tale.
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Other strange thing the birds eat that doesn't seem to hurt them is styrofoam! Several found a styrofoam minnow bucket stored in the barn and pecked it full of huge holes.
We also insulated barn walls we were residing with those big styrofoam blocks. Mice tunnel tru those and the tiny pellets fall out. The birds consume any the wind doesn't blow away. This has been going on for several years and we have seen no ill effects.
Mine went to town on some strife am also. I was like ACK WHY would you eat that. Lol

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