***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We are on goat watch again..... Took turns all last night with DH. Fingers crossed for more kids today.
I don't want to speak on P&B behalf, but the honey supplier in my area is completely out of honey. 2 yrs worth of drought has been rough on production.
Excited to hear Jaxon will be attending poops with P&B he is such an entertaining boy. Sent a PM about guinea colors. Ours have been laying sporadically. I am sure the weather doesn't help, or they have improved their egg hiding skills.
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Well, I've been offline for a long time guys. Sorry about that. I got hurt last fall and had to concentrate on getting my knee healed up. Then I ended up getting busy over the winter, and after that I gave up social media for lent. :) I just got to thinking that maybe POOPS was coming up and I ought to figure out what's going on in the chicken world again! Anyway, hi, everyone!
Well, I've been offline for a long time guys. Sorry about that. I got hurt last fall and had to concentrate on getting my knee healed up. Then I ended up getting busy over the winter, and after that I gave up social media for lent. :) I just got to thinking that maybe POOPS was coming up and I ought to figure out what's going on in the chicken world again! Anyway, hi, everyone!
Awesome to see you posting! I tried to PM you about poops, but I couldn't spell MacG correctly-- go figure! Hope you can make it to poops this yr & bring your son too.
Hello Everyone!

Had a quick question. Can I give cooked corn to my 6 and 9 week old chickens? Thank you in advance as always, you guys are great!

They can eat anything they fit in their mouths at that point. If they had been raised by a broody hen they would be eating all kinds of stuff. Just use the corn in moderation.
They can eat anything they fit in their mouths at that point. If they had been raised by a broody hen they would be eating all kinds of stuff. Just use the corn in moderation.
Watching my broody w/ her chicks last year was sure eyeopening about what a chick can and cannot eat!!!!!!!!
There just isn't to much a broody raised chickie finds to big!!!! lol lol lol

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