***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Lost my sweet Beau a half hour ago....a proud, gentle Columbian Wyandotte with a great attitude. He was 5 years old and has been at death's door before. Yesterday afternoon, like an old man, he just wanted to sit in the sun and soak up those rays. He had that look in his eyes so I put him to coop with his favorite hen and her chicks. This morning he got a breakfast of scrambled eggs, yogurt and chopped peaches. As weak as he seemed, he did nibble some and then went to sleep in my lap while I worked on cattle records. I felt him slipping away and just stroked him until he was gone. He was so special. In his prime, he strutted his stuff, took care of his girls and even gave a hen a rest from her egg sitting. He is sure going to be missed.
So sorry for your loss, NanaKat! :hugs
Awwwww @Nanakat what a sweet boy! I'm so glad you got to hold him before you lost him. He'll be waiting for you some day. Peter will open the gates for you, and there he'll be, head cocked to one side, quizzical look on his face, as if he's been sitting there the entire time.
Lots of good camping here at Lake Tenkiller, and the whole area, is pretty chicken friendly. South end of the lake is Tenkiller State Park, north end is Cherokee Landing State Park. Lots of other camping around the lake. Nearby, is Brushy Lake State Park, and would seem, in my estimation, to be even more suitable for chickens on the go. Plus, the fishing, IMO, is better there.
I truly hope that you enjoy your stay, here in OK. I'm a recent transplant here, to very rural OK, from very urban-suburban, SoCal.
I'll never move back.
Sharkman, we lived in San Diego for 8 years before moving to OK. DH was stationed at North Island and we had Navy housing overlooking the beach.
It waswonderful to see and hear the ocean every day but we dreamed of our own place with lots of trees and where I could have a garden. That was 10 years ago and along the way our plans to leave when Hubby retired faded as the garden grew and the chicken count grew.
I lived in Tokyo for 6 years before SD, those two cities were fun when I was young, a big adventure for a 5th generation Michigan farm girl. My Husband grew up on the Mississippi delta and in rural Texas before seeing the world, and meeting me in Japan.
We never would have guessed but Oklahoma would be our stopping place but, sure enough, we aren't going anywhere.
We have three Families that were our friends at various places in the world, that are living here now too. The most recent family just bought a house and 2 acres in McCloud. This will be the first time their kids have lived in the country. They want chickens, no problem, we folks on this thread will take care of that :)
Lost my sweet Beau a half hour ago....a proud, gentle Columbian Wyandotte with a great attitude. He was 5 years old and has been at death's door before. Yesterday afternoon, like an old man, he just wanted to sit in the sun and soak up those rays. He had that look in his eyes so I put him to coop with his favorite hen and her chicks. This morning he got a breakfast of scrambled eggs, yogurt and chopped peaches. As weak as he seemed, he did nibble some and then went to sleep in my lap while I worked on cattle records. I felt him slipping away and just stroked him until he was gone. He was so special. In his prime, he strutted his stuff, took care of his girls and even gave a hen a rest from her egg sitting. He is sure going to be missed.
So sorry, he sure had the life of a king with you.
@NanaKat ,
So sorry about Beau.
@Dusti, the rabbits are adjusting well. We have a temporary set up for them. Not completely like I want to get it, but doable for now. They are loving their diets of foraged leaves, grass, weeds. They have a prime location of total shade. We started them on eat mite treatments, after each tx they get a special treat, like 2 raspberries.

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