***OKIES in the BYC III ***

So I've done some reading and I am wondering if I have some black blue laced red wyandottes? Has anyone ever seen any black blue laced chicks? I thought they looked a little different than my glw and now I think I know why!

BLRW are supposed to be a mahogany red instead of a golden red. So a properly colored BLRW with black lacing will be different than a gold laced. A BLRW breeder showed me that you have to look at new feathers that come in after their juvie feathers to see if they are going to be the correct mahogany or golden.
The sale in Checotah went on until the wee hours of the morning.  I was able to get my last cage around 1:30 a.m.  Dusti - Thanks so much for sitting with me.  I appreciate your company and hope you weren't bored.

I sold two Toulouse geese, a trio of Delaware, a pair of Golden Lakenvelders, and a splash Ameraucanas cockerel.  It was a good night for both buyers and sellers.  I like to see both parties benefit.  I'm already missing my geese.  They went to a good home, so I'm not worried about their welfare.  I miss their greeting, and I know the new owners will soon be smiling and giggling when the gees flap and say "Hello!" in the morning. 

I like your geese ' s greetings more than mine. Mine seem to yell 'feed me seamore' when they see me.

I enjoyed the auction. Doh on my part for going to the wrong town.
Cedar shavings are also said to be toxic to chickens.
Baby Chicks; yes; there is no need for Cedar Shavings for baby chicks.
Also you don't want to fill the coop with the shavings, just the laying boxes with a reasonable amount of shavings per box. It doesn't take much to control the insects.

Pine shavings as mentioned, are excellent source of ground cover for the chicken run. I use it continuously. At least 3" on the ground in their run, and you won't have any odor at all. If flies become a nuisance in the run like I had this summer, an initial spraying with the quart bottle of Palmolive dishwater soap and water over the ground area kills them dead. Then you can hang those $0.99 cent coils of sticky fly traps to keep them under control. They do just a good a job as those expensive fly sticks.
This is our first year for chickens and we haven't had the best luck so far, turns out our GSD is a serial killer. :mad: But we are now fully animal proofed we got some new chickies in this week. We ordered online and got 4 EEs, 4 light brahmas, and two buff orpingtons. One BO didn't make it, but the other nine are happy and healthy. They are supposed to be all girls.:fl here are some pics:









Quote: simple routine i follow to deal with mites and lice, after this DE can keep it under control: bathe in adams flea shampoo, dust with poultry dust, clear out coop, saturate it with permethrin spray, all nooks and crannies, let air dry, powder nest boxes with poultry dust, add new litter back in, put drops(It is Ivermectin liquid (NOT the horse wormer paste). It is the kind for cattle & swine and is off label for poultry. I use 4-5 drops for bantams and 7-8 drops for large fowl. Repeat in 10 days to catch any eggs that have hatched. I got about a 6-8 oz. bottle at TSC and it lasted a long time. Get a syringe with a big needle, too. Those little insulin needles are too fine to get anything out of the bottle.), on the birds and problem is solved. Use the concentrate permethrin $7 for 8 ounces, you add 1 ounce of that to a spray bottle of water, spray the coop thoroughly and let it air out


Pine shavings as mentioned, are excellent source of ground cover for the chicken run. I use it continuously. At least 3" on the ground in their run, and you won't have any odor at all. If flies become a nuisance in the run like I had this summer, an initial spraying with the quart bottle of Palmolive dishwater soap and water over the ground area kills them dead. Then you can hang those $0.99 cent coils of sticky fly traps to keep them under control. They do just a good a job as those expensive fly sticks.
so the pine shavings don't get slimy in the run? I may try that- ours is a mess!

guineas are settling down with the new guy- i think he was imitating mom here

i am thinking he will grow up to look like this one
Your guinea keets are pearl grays. You can still tell by their dots, color and the solid center stripe on their heads, with a few additional solid stripes parallelling it.
simple routine i follow to deal with mites and lice, after this DE can keep it under control: bathe in adams flea shampoo, dust with poultry dust, clear out coop, saturate it with permethrin spray, all nooks and crannies, let air dry, powder nest boxes with poultry dust, add new litter back in, put drops(It is Ivermectin liquid (NOT the horse wormer paste). It is the kind for cattle & swine and is off label for poultry. I use 4-5 drops for bantams and 7-8 drops for large fowl. Repeat in 10 days to catch any eggs that have hatched. I got about a 6-8 oz. bottle at TSC and it lasted a long time. Get a syringe with a big needle, too. Those little insulin needles are too fine to get anything out of the bottle.), on the birds and problem is solved. Use the concentrate permethrin $7 for 8 ounces, you add 1 ounce of that to a spray bottle of water, spray the coop thoroughly and let it air out

This is our first year for chickens and we haven't had the best luck so far, turns out our GSD is a serial killer.
But we are now fully animal proofed we got some new chickies in this week. We ordered online and got 4 EEs, 4 light brahmas, and two buff orpingtons. One BO didn't make it, but the other nine are happy and healthy. They are supposed to be all girls.
here are some pics:

and cute chicks!

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