***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I only use the permethrin to treat the coop after a clean out, I use sevin dust or ivermectin directly on the birds, so I can't help you there.  I do use the concentrate, 10 ML (cc) per quart of water and spray the coop down good especially cracks after I scraped out all the old bedding.  I assume you COULD do a quick spray under the tail of each bird.  But it's petroleum based and quite smelly, honestly I would hesitate to directly treat a bird with it.  Grab some sevin dust or poultry dust next time you're at a hardware store or feed store, pour it in an old nylon stocking, and pop it under each wing and under the tail.
no, poultry dust, in my opinion, is effective- DE is controversial and unproven against mites and worms.

i have shifted to injectable ivermec 3 cc in a gal water for 3 days

3cc to 1 gallon? I just did this treatment for scaley leg mites and thought you said 1cc to 1 gallon? Do I need to maybe do over? I will look them over tomorrow. I just got some nustock so was gonna use that as a preventative.
Is DE and poultry dust the same thing?

I've been able to beat feather mites/lice with coconut oil. It makes for greasy (and then dirty) birds but it works and it's all natural if that's your thing..... I had ZERO luck with DE. I eventually did ivermectin because I was dealing with scaley leg mites and they were not responding to my other methods.
Just candled my mixed orpington eggs from the auction. So far everything is looking good in all but 1. I can see some nice veins goings everywhere. Now my "amerucana" eggs are pathetic. Only 4 of them are doing anything all the rest of the dozen didn't even develope. Wondering if they were even fertile.. :(
I hate that.  I got burned so bad last spring on hatching eggs from the auction.  Completely infertile batches of 12- HOW do you in good conscience take eggs to auction you KNOW are infertile????  None for me this year.

It could be inexperience.
I ALMOST took a bunch of turkey eggs, to auction, recently, that I would have sworn my life savings on being fertile, and just found out, last night, that they were not fertile at all. I saw BOTH of my toms, copulate with both of my hens, multiple times, during that week. The eggs have been in the incubator 3 weeks, got candled last night, and nothing. No embryo. So, either both toms, are infertile, or their youth and inexperience, are keeping them from "getting the job done" with the hens.
I've been reading a bunch. And, I found, that Narragansett toms, are not supposed to be capable of fathering poults, until they are more than a year old. Mine are 10 months, now. So, it might be fall season, before I get poults out of them. In the mean time, the poor hens are going through the motions, and getting hurt in the process. But, I am now down to just one Tom. So, they're not getting trampled upon by two brutes, multiple times a week, each. Just one. But, I feel bad for those girls.
I have another two dozen eggs in another incubator. I'm going to ask to have those candled ASAP, to check, if any are viable. But, I'm suspecting that in my zeal, I may have been too hasty.
So, Rinda, yeah, it sucks, but, it could have just been a dummy like me, who didn't realize that their eggs were not getting properly fertilized.

Its one thing to have infertile eggs. No one can guarantee that. Not even hatcheries will guarantee it. But they were saying these eggs were ripe, as in rotten. No one should be trying to sell rotten eggs.
Anyone need a roo or two? I have a silver spangled hamburg that needs a new home. He's beautiful. I'll try to post some pics later today. He and my dominate roo don't get along and he's kind of noisy for my backyard. But he's such a beauty, id rather rehome him, than eat him.

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