***OKIES in the BYC III ***

So, I took the digital thermometer, out of my safe, placed it in the new/old incubator, and left it running all night. Sure enough, this morning, it read a current temp of 102°F, with an overnight high reading of 104°F. Now, this is all just semantics, because I have a digital controller, ordered, and on its way, from Amazon, to be here on Tuesday, but, I wanted to see how well I could set this old wafer thermostat. Certainly, that wasn't close enough.
Not having A/C at the house, I wonder, how to deal with incubating, as the summer heats up a bunch.
So, I took the digital thermometer, out of my safe, placed it in the new/old incubator, and left it running all night. Sure enough, this morning, it read a current temp of 102°F, with an overnight high reading of 104°F. Now, this is all just semantics, because I have a digital controller, ordered, and on its way, from Amazon, to be here on Tuesday, but, I wanted to see how well I could set this old wafer thermostat. Certainly, that wasn't close enough.
Not having A/C at the house, I wonder, how to deal with incubating, as the summer heats up a bunch.
With no AC, I would think you will not be able to control the temperatures as well....a basement location would be cooler.
Fertility in a lot of breeds drops when outside temps reach 95 - 100...so hatching in summer is not in my schedule. I will hatch into May and maybe early June then give it a break until mid September on.
Carrying over young chicks in the winter requires the infrastructure to provide heat and light for those birds until they are feathered. Therefore, I limit my late fall, early winter hatching to only certain pens.
you are right! 1 cc, i need to quit replying late at nite!!
That is how I treat for mites besides using the Adams flea and tick spray on the bumm and under the wings. Making that the only water available to your birds makes sure all get their dose. Young birds don't consume as much water in a day as the adults...but everyone drinks the water. You can also put a little Vet RX in the bowl of water for those that need a little respiratory attention at the same time.
It floats on top of the water and doesn't mix with the Iverrmec. This won't help if you use drip waterers or free flow....only if you are using open containers.

A co-worker gifted me with her sketch of chicks for my birthday. I thought this was the perfect place to put it. Maybe it will encourage a good hatch! I candled the americauna eggs I had shipped. I only see one or two maybes. :/ but it is only day 7. I grabbed four of my dorking eggs for a random sample. 3 of four looked great! Now to keep my fingers out of the bator until next week. :)

Also... Has anyone ever run across people in the chicken world that were snobby enough to instruct you to use "proper terminology" and to not refer to a rooster as a "Roo"? I was recently told that I had better be contiencience of this, or people would not take me serious. I generally let people think what they will, but it really caught me off guard.

A co-worker gifted me with her sketch of chicks for my birthday. I thought this was the perfect place to put it. Maybe it will encourage a good hatch! I candled the americauna eggs I had shipped. I only see one or two maybes. :/ but it is only day 7. I grabbed four of my dorking eggs for a random sample. 3 of four looked great! Now to keep my fingers out of the bator until next week. :)

Also... Has anyone ever run across people in the chicken world that were snobby enough to instruct you to use "proper terminology" and to not refer to a rooster as a "Roo"? I was recently told that I had better be contiencience of this, or people would not take me serious. I generally let people think what they will, but it really caught me off guard.

Lovely artwork. :)

On terminology...if you said things like "little oblong thing that the baby bird comes out of" or "pointy red thing on their head, I might think you're not totally educated on your poultry terminology, but "Roo?" I think you're fine. But maybe that's just me.
Very pretty picture.

I have seen people posting stuff like that especially in "some" threads, I just ignore them. I unabashedly say "roo" and "roolet" and "chickie doos" and "smelly doos" and call Rudy a "rudester" and say "freezer camp" and let the chips fall where they may. (and hang out on the nice threads! lol)
A few pics from today

Mom and baby, tried for better shots, but mom wasn't having any of it!

And of course there is Rudy the rudester, it was really windy today w/ a cold wind so he got his sweater back today, he isn't happy about it either.

Bella, the rudester's mate, though she loves the rabbits more.

When he hatched I thought I saw feather follicles on his elbows and sure enough little fluffs at his elbows.

One week to go!!!!

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