***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Kyzmette, Will the offspring of a chicken/guinea cross be able to reproduce or will they be sterile?  If you get keets to hatch from her it will be interesting to see that cross looks like.

They'd be sterile like a jenny, but the crosses are kind of cute. I'd like to see if the royal purple carries over at all.

@Ashtree I'm sorry about your duckie. Dont be embarrassed, because there are plenty of us who get that attached.

@Loriemarler oh no! I know you loved those silkies! I'm so sorry, and I'm sorry for the kind of betrayal you have to be feeling from your dog. I held my chickie in my hand and beat the ever loving snot out of my dog when it happened to me, with that chicken shoved right in her face. It's never happened again. Some would say that's abuse, but she's never done it again and I didn't have to take that drastic step of putting her down. A beating is better than a bullet.
Got home from easter stuff to discover all our baby ducks dead except a couple that look close to dying. :( Looks like the dog went on a killing spree. I'm devastated and my poor kids are crying themselves to sleep. It's a sad night here. I couldn't find 2, nor could I find 3 young free ranging pullets. I'm getting the baby down then going to bury the ducks and look for the missing ones. I'm feeling like we're not cut out for country living. We certainly don't have the heart for all this.
Got home from easter stuff to discover all our baby ducks dead except a couple that look close to dying.
Looks like the dog went on a killing spree. I'm devastated and my poor kids are crying themselves to sleep. It's a sad night here. I couldn't find 2, nor could I find 3 young free ranging pullets. I'm getting the baby down then going to bury the ducks and look for the missing ones. I'm feeling like we're not cut out for country living. We certainly don't have the heart for all this.

I'm so sorry. It's so rough. I have a dog that I have moved to being a house dog because I could NOT handle any more emergencies every time I went out to check on the animals. She's an AKC Aussie, which are not cheap, and I swear she has killed at least her value in poultry. No more. She goes out to play with the other dogs while I do chores, then back to the house with me. She never attacks when I'm present so she KNOWS she's not supposed to.
Got home from easter stuff to discover all our baby ducks dead except a couple that look close to dying. :( Looks like the dog went on a killing spree. I'm devastated and my poor kids are crying themselves to sleep. It's a sad night here. I couldn't find 2, nor could I find 3 young free ranging pullets. I'm getting the baby down then going to bury the ducks and look for the missing ones. I'm feeling like we're not cut out for country living. We certainly don't have the heart for all this.

Oh no, how awful! What a terrible week you're having! Those poor babies. :hit :hugs
Thanks @Kyzmette and @lonnyandrinda. I'm just kinda in shock. My husband and I just buried 27 but there is still 1 missing. I'm sure it's dead or close to dead. Im reminding myself of all the things I have to be thankful for. I'm just a crying fool and the kids fell asleep thinking a few might make it but after looking them over it was clear they were goners. So it's going to be hard tomorrow-which it was going to be anyway. Man we loved those guys. I wish I knew how to not get attached.
Thanks @Kyzmette and @lonnyandrinda. I'm just kinda in shock. My husband and I just buried 27 but there is still 1 missing. I'm sure it's dead or close to dead. Im reminding myself of all the things I have to be thankful for. I'm just a crying fool and the kids fell asleep thinking a few might make it but after looking them over it was clear they were goners. So it's going to be hard tomorrow-which it was going to be anyway. Man we loved those guys. I wish I knew how to not get attached.

You can't not get attached; it's just not who you are. You do come to accept the natural order, though, and it makes things a little easier. I mourn each and every one, but I only lose it over the very special ones. And then I remind myself how very special they were, and how much better my life was to be touched by them if even for a short time. What happened is horrible, but also very natural. Being sad for those babies is just an exercise for the heart, and our hearts grow stronger through it.
Got home from easter stuff to discover all our baby ducks dead except a couple that look close to dying. :( Looks like the dog went on a killing spree. I'm devastated and my poor kids are crying themselves to sleep. It's a sad night here. I couldn't find 2, nor could I find 3 young free ranging pullets. I'm getting the baby down then going to bury the ducks and look for the missing ones. I'm feeling like we're not cut out for country living. We certainly don't have the heart for all this.

Oh, Ash, I am so heartbroken to hear this today of all days. It reminds me of my "Great Weasel Attack off 2014." I am not a crier, and I BAWLED. @Kyzmette is absolutely spot on in her comment.

I wish I had ducklings to give you. Call/text tomorrow if you need ANYTHING.
Oh, Ash, I am so heartbroken to hear this today of all days. It reminds me of my "Great Weasel Attack off 2014." I am not a crier, and I BAWLED. @Kyzmette is absolutely spot on in her comment.

I wish I had ducklings to give you. Call/text tomorrow if you need ANYTHING.

Thank you Rhonda, you are very, very sweet.

I think I'm going to do a special painting project with the kids tomorrow as a sort of healing exercise and way to say goodbye. Hopefully it helps us all. It's been a lot of loss for 1 day.

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