***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Oh how I hate waiting for eggs to hatch. Should be between now and tomorrow. I have struggled so hard with this batch with humidity. I am so scared they are not going to make it, just because I went through so much to get these dang eggs. I like this so much more when it's my own eggs of endless supply. I need a distraction. :/
, those passion fruit vine seeds I got from you last year.  I direct sowed 1/2 but they didn't come up or didn't make, anyway, I saved out 1/2 just incase that happened.  I have been soaking the other 1/2 in wet paper in a plastic baggie and have 2 seedlings and a couple more seeds sprouting.  :weee    I figure I'll get a lot more, since they just now started sprouting.

Oh, good I'm glad let me know how it goes if the seedlings don't make it maybe I can get you some more seeds this fall. The raspberry starts I got from you are doing good will they have fruit this year or will I have to wait till next year?
Oh, good I'm glad let me know how it goes if the seedlings don't make it maybe I can get you some more seeds this fall. The raspberry starts I got from you are doing good will they have fruit this year or will I have to wait till next year?

You will get fruit this year, they bear on second year cane, so every cane that fruits cut back to just above the ground, it will die anyway. You need to do that each summer just after you harvest. You can easily tell the spent cane b/c it will have the remains of the berry cluster w/o the berries.
X2 I sent u a PM, but I don't know if anything is going through on my computer. It keeps crashing. It did this before and I was going to take it in but never have.
Not sure if this was directed at me or at Ashtree... but I didn't get a PM.

me too, to unilaterally choose to keep all the EEs, to quote my Mom, "She's got a lot of nerve".
X2. What a jerk. I agree with the others. Let this drop but don't use her any more for hatching. Sorry you got burned. That stinks.

Garden so far, and the start of our orchard. The globes are old shop light covers we used them early for frost and rabbit protection. The plants are getting big it's almost time to take them off! Planted a few more things last night so the rain could settle them in, sunflowers for the kids and another row of peas (I know I'm pushing it by planting peas this late).

A HUGE thank you to everyone for the support. Being fairly new at this, I wasn't certain, how I should handle things. I want to be firm, but fair. I'm just a poor man, trying to get started, and never imagined someone trying to take advantage of me. But, I guess that there are all kinds. Apparently, aside from my Cuckoo Marans, I have some very high quality birds here. My Ameracauna's, are really producing some wonderful chicks. With 9 hens and a very fertile and active rooster, I hope to have plenty, to replace those she took out from under me. She has eight of my turkeys, in her incubators, right now, and as far as I'm concerned, she can keep the rest of the chickens, as long as I get my turkeys.
With the help of God, good folks here, other farmers who have helped get me into some really great birds, and those people closer to me, I'm going to get through this rough time in my life. And, when the rough time is over, I will hold my head high, as having been the one of generosity, when I couldn't afford generosity, but gave it anyway.
Several of y'all, I'm not naming names, so as not to cause embarrassment, but you know who you are, have been incredibly generous and supportive, when you don't even really know me. I find that incredibly heartwarming. As I become able, I shall pass it forward. My PM box is so full of nice thoughts and gestures, from several folks.
You all have been great teachers, too. I've learned so much, in just 11 months, that I sometimes amaze myself. Last week, my buddy, Travis, and I, were working on building a new water tray for this incubator, and a Cherokee fellow stopped by, because he saw my sign selling hens. He looked over my flock, and recognized breeds, like Golden Lakenvelders, Blue Andalusians and Marraduna Basques, that most folks wouldn't. In talking with him, he told us that he's been raising chickens for 15 years, and is currently in college, earning a degree, in farm and ranch management. We talked chickens, and we talked ranching, and we talked about maybe doing some trading. He wants Delawares, and wants to get rid of guineas. I need guineas, and my Delawares are up for sale. When it was all said and done, he thanked me, for what he learned. I was taken aback, somewhat, and said, "What do you mean?" After all, I've been doing this less than a year, he's been at it 15 years. He said that he learned several things from me. I told him he needed to join here, because this was where I learned everything I know about chickens, darned near.
Anyway, this long story, is just my way, of giving thanks to you, the folks who are my educators. I've always had great appreciation, for those who teach, and y'all are great teachers!
Thanks, from the bottom of my heart!
This is for our 4 county 4H club that was started a few months back. Please share.

I should have some Barnevelders early this week. I'd love to give some to 4H kids. I grew up in 4H. It's how I know which side of the plate a fork goes, how to sew, how to cook, and how to run a proper meeting! Feel free to pass on my info to him or vice versa.
You will get fruit this year, they bear on second year cane, so every cane that fruits cut back to just above the ground, it will die anyway.  You need to do that each summer just after you harvest.  You can easily tell the spent cane b/c it will have the remains of the berry cluster w/o the berries.

Ok thanks that is great can't weight for some berries
Hi to all my fellow Okies on BYC! I haven't been on here in a while. I've been busy getting the new house put together and getting the garden and flower beds ready for Spring. I have a hen that has sounded "croupy" for several weeks now. I have put antibiotics in their water, that didn't help. I tried coffee, (read that it was a bronchodilator), that didn't work. As far as I know, none of the others are experiencing this. I'd like to mark her with food coloring so that I can make sure she is the only one. Anyone tried that, or have other ideas? They are all laying, eating, and acting normally.

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