***OKIES in the BYC III ***

 how did it go?  Is the little one out and still w/ us?
Got it out but seemed very week tried to give a little suger water but it didn't make it when i got up this morning it had past on
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A question for OKBetsy - I know that half or my Showgirl hatches will be Silkies. Do some or all of those Silkies carry the Naked neck gene? I just absolutely love both of the Showgirl hens that I got from you. They are so sweet and "personable" and are just beautiful. The both have enormous top knots. This is the chick that I got from you last POOPS. Her "hair do" is actually bigger than in the picture. This was a bad hair day for her.
She is gorgeous!!!' I love showgirls. :) and I think showgirl chicks are the absolute cutest!
Miohippus, I'm sorry your baby didn't make it. I should have my new chicken house ready for move-in by the end of this month, and I'll be able to set up breeding pens.

MJ your new baby is TOTES ADORBS!

Robin, you amaze me every time you open up that big heart of yours. She's too cute!

And welcome to all the new peeps! I live in Skiatook, work in Tulsa!

So I wondered what a female of this mix would look like, and I think I got one! How gorgeous is she? Minorca/SFH.


And check it out; I found my chicken twin! I named her Minnie Mee.

Mine is styrofoam with a fan.

No water, don't turn on the fan. If you want better heating in a styrofoam bator, warm it up to a steady temp with a towel wrapped around it to insulate it. You can't use the towel when temps are above 90, of course, but you'll keep a steadier temp with the extra insulation.
Many things, not gonna quote...

I didn't add ANY water, Brinsea Eco 20 (so it has a fan). It truly seemed more natural. They fluffed up quickly, I could grab them when I needed, and cleanup was a breeze. I don't plan to ever buy a larger incubator, so I am thrilled with this outcome. But I do agree, you just have to find out what works for you.

I put six Barnevelder eggs under a broody hen today (also a Barnevelder by chance). Excited for the free incubator. I believe I can sex the Barnevelder chicks at hatch by down color. I've been right so far. Kinda fun.
It's been egg citing at my house ....
I've got eggs in the hatcher due the 26th and another group to move to the hatcher that are due on the 29th. These are the last to hatch before my family trip May 2 to the 10.
A Cochin hen is sitting on 8 eggs due to hatch on the 26th too. She will get extra babies from the hatcher. And four Wyandotte hens are sharing 18 eggs due on the 29th. They will definitely get extra chicks too.
There are two hens sitting on dud eggs....I'm giving them chicks tomorrow..one is a Wyandotte and the other is a Delaware Bantam.
Moved a Delaware Bantam hen with her nest box and hatching chicks into a brood pen. She had been in one of those barn mailboxes set two feet off the ground...thought the muddy ground in her pen would be too mucky for the babies.
And finally two young Bantam hens in the Brooder room ...a Delaware and a Birchen Rosecomb .....decided to share a nest three days ago...they have six eggs between them. They both screech loudly any time I move close to their nest box...they are so cute. I'll try to get a photo tomorrow of this determined little pair. I'll have to candle their eggs and maybe replace them in order to control when their babies hatch....

Just set 92 eggs to incubate...due May 13. I can candle in 8 days and set another batch on April 30 and candle them when I get back. Setting Columbian, White and Blue Columbian Wyandotte and Buckeye as well as Serama and Delaware Bantams with a few Rosecomb and OEGB.

When I get back from my trip, I'll begin collecting eggs again for the last hatching push before hot weather hits.

Poor Roger will be taking care of all my birds while I'm gone and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't have to tend any day to week old chicks. ...definitely don't want to burden him with the incubators....that could be disasterous.

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