***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just talked with a long-time friend of mine who has decided she MUST give up her home place and move into Tulsa. She has high quality silkies she needs to sell, and I'm going out to visit with her and see them tomorrow. She indicated she has a number of white under 7 months old, a year old trio of blues, as well as other blues, blacks and splashes. Her flock is not NPIP certified, but she's kept only the best birds for some time. Most are this spring's hatch. She has had other poultry, but I don't know if she has any now.

If any of you are interested, please let me know and I'll work on getting you connected with her.

This has been a somewhat bitter/sweet day for me, as I hate to see her having to give up her place and her animals that have meant so much to her, but she is nearing 90, and I've just said goodbye to another dear friend who is moving to Marlow as he is no longer able to live without nearby help. He raised many, many chickens and has lived independently on his 10+ acres since 1964. I have chicken and gardening ties with both of these two, as well as other things in common.

I may end up with a very few of her chickens, to bring in other blood lines, but will need someone to test them for me. I know some of you are certified testers; I gave that up a couple of years ago. Please let me know if you could test them for me if I bring them to you. I don't want to bother the Dept. of Ag testers for just a few birds, and they aren't due to test mine until March.

Sent you a PM.
This is a true story of two of our dogs, one Bug a wise older former street (dropped) dog,
and Sasha the young impetuous, gullible, jealous girl.
We have a sofa they sit on, usually they share it w/o problems, but sometimes Sasha will spread all out to cover the whole sofa, leaving Bug to have to sit on the area rug on the floor. Bug adores her sister and wouldn't ever get aggressive w/ Sasha, so when she wants on the sofa, this is what she does, she has done it many, many ...times so we know it is purposeful. She will loudly w/ pomp walk over to either Gary or I looking back to make sure Sasha is paying attention. When she gets to us she will ask to be petted, when we start petting her she will adjust her position to get us to scratch her back, and turn her head and look straight at Sasha and make grunting or happy noises to get her point across. Now Sasha can't handle anyone getting petted if she isn't, let alone a back scratch!!!!! She will watch w/ great interest until she can't stand it and she will come down off the sofa and present herself right next to Bug for her petting / scratching. As you have probably already guessed Bug makes a bee line straight for the empty sofa, to enjoy her spot. The funniest part of the whole saga is no matter how many times Bug does this Sasha NEVER gets it, she is soooo blonde.
Many years ago we had a blue heeler that would pull a similar stunt on her mastiff buddy. When he was snuggled up to "dad" she would run to the door like company was there, and then take his place when he went to investigate.
We enjoyed meeting you also. We also picked up some great vegetables you can't get in Tulsa. And authentic Amish goodies. Sold some birds. A wonderful day. The 2 mile detour was nothing like the traffic jam around the Hard Rock at Catoosa.

Do you know of any other sales around the area ? What about So Coffeyville this next weekend ?
This is a true story of two of our dogs, one Bug a wise older former street (dropped) dog,:old and Sasha the young impetuous, gullible, jealous girl. :yiipchick We have a sofa they sit on, usually they share it w/o problems, but sometimes Sasha will spread all out to cover the whole sofa, leaving Bug to have to sit on the area rug on the floor. Bug adores her sister and wouldn't ever get aggressive w/ Sasha, so when she wants on the sofa, this is what she does, she has done it many, many ...times so we know it is purposeful. She will loudly w/ pomp walk over to either Gary or I looking back to make sure Sasha is paying attention. When she gets to us she will ask to be petted, when we start petting her she will adjust her position to get us to scratch her back, and turn her head and look straight at Sasha and make grunting or happy noises to get her point across. Now Sasha can't handle anyone getting petted if she isn't, let alone a back scratch!!!!! She will watch w/ great interest until she can't stand it and she will come down off the sofa and present herself right next to Bug for her petting / scratching. As you have probably already guessed Bug makes a bee line straight for the empty sofa, to enjoy her spot. The funniest part of the whole saga is no matter how many times Bug does this Sasha NEVER gets it, she is soooo blonde.

Many years ago we had a blue heeler that would pull a similar stunt on her mastiff buddy.  When he was snuggled up to "dad" she would run to the door like company was there, and then take his place when he went to investigate.

Dogs are just so smart!
Gracie can't stand it when there is anyone next to me...she always worms her nose in between us whether we are standing or sitting. She also runs to my recliner when company comes so no one can sit on my spot.
Yesterday was a successful hatch day... 5 Cochin and 10 Columbian Wyandotte.

The next hatch is the 22nd. I've only successfully hatched 3 Serama this year and there are five in this next hatch....so instead of moving the Serama eggs from the egg turner in the incubator to the hatcher, I put the eggs in carton cups in the incubator. I'm thinking the slight difference in temperature between the incubator and the hatcher might be affecting the hatch rate. I'll be checking multiple times during hatch day....we shall see. The 10 LF eggs got moved as usual.
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Ok...where did all the OKIES go this week?
Is everybody ready for the rains that are coming in this week? I'm still checking the drains today for the runs....

This is a busy time of year and will get even more so as we near frost and cold weather.

Lots of attention needs to be given to prepping the coops for the cold....cleaning and spraying for parasites like lice and mites, replacing shavings or hay in the nest boxes, spreading a new layer on the dirt floors and plugging those mouse and rat holes. Inside dust boxes should have fresh sand, wood ash and dusting powders added. Also time to consider how you will stop the drafts but still keep ventilation in your coops. Double check those water heaters and heat lamps if you use them so you know they work and have those replacement bulbs on the ready. If you use lights in winter to encourage laying, check those timers.

This is a good time to worm your birds when they are molting and laying fewer eggs. Worming means not eatting the eggs for a few weeks as the worm medicine "contaminates" the eggs and withdrawal time is 14 - 21 days depending on manufacturer. Remember to worm, and then worm again in 10 days... the withdrawal time extends from the first worming past the second worming.

The gardens need some winter attention too. Sweet potatoes will get their vines cut off the day before the frost hits, They can then be dug and cured for storage. Okra stalks are stark right now and can be pulled after this rain along with other debris.
Winter crops like turnips and carrots should be weeded and a light straw mulch scattered in the rows. I like to top my cleaned beds with coop clean out or compost too.

Before frost. tomatoes that are growing can be picked even while green and stored in shallow boxes lined with newspaper so they will ripen inside. Peppers can be chopped even if immature and frozen for soups and relishes.

And of course the pecans are beginning to split in the hulls...so we are cleaning up under the trees that have pecans this year. We like to mow the area close to the ground and rake it so the pecans are easier to see and collect.

So, I guess I know where all the OKIES are this week... besides their career and family..we are a busy group of folks.
Quote: Thought I'd post a few pictures of PVC pen from years ago....We have two windows in the barn that act as doors. I could close off one and this pen had a sliding panel that allowed me to move the pen in several positions utilizing the grass. This was my first run for the hen house until the boys welded up a barn length run. It was made from furniture grade PVC because of all the different connectors available...like corner pieces and + shaped pieces. and a combo LT....
The door to the pen had hinges made from PVC that I drilled holes in for lag bolts into the uprights.... I would weight it down using pieces of rod and cement blocks place on the tree sides.

You can see the sliding panel on the far back. The pon to the right had a small gate to match the gate on extra pen. The tarp is supported by cross pieces glued in place with a + and a combination L and T

Another view of the sliding panel. Later, I made a hoop tunnel that attached to a window and the opening on the sliding panel. I could then move the pen out further oneo green grass and the chickens moved in and out thru the tunnel.

Yes, I had a few turkeys back then. This was One-eyed Tom.
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I have quite an intriguing mystery. This post is completely honest and serious, not a joke. There has been an interesting rock in my back yard path for some time. I knew it was some form of petrified wood from what I could see exposed and have been meaning to dig it the rest of the way out and check it out for some time, well I finally got around to it yesterday. It is rock, it is cool to the touch and feels like rock and is hard and heavy like rock. By it's shape we wer...e thinking it is petrified branch or root or bone or maybe even poop. Upon cleaning it up (washing the dirt off) we noticed the metallic looking areas w/ vigorous scratching it can be flaked off, but not easily. Does anyone have a clue????? Do not post ideas until you have looked at ALL THE PICTURES, seriously there is an even bigger mystery in the pics. Feel free to share this post especially if you have some rock hound friends, we are fascinated and would like to know a real answer.


This side was the most exposed has less metallic but the lighter areas are really metallic

This side really made us think bone

This was the most buried and has the most metallic


One end, no real tree rings are obvious


The other end, no rings here either, but definitely a bone look except .............................................

Look closely, do you see it


There are letters in the rock!!!!!!!!

This is just to show size.
It appears to me to have been a metal container of some sort. The contents solidified over time and the metal is the remains of the container.
Looks like it may have once said TINCTURE?

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