***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thanks @NanaKat . I was also wondering if there were things I could give them to do that doesn't always involve food. I can tell they are bored because they've been stripping the fluff off of large fallen feathers. They get plenty of protein in their feed and I give them BOSS as a scratch once and sometimes twice a day. They lay well, so I suspect it's boredom more than anything else.
Black oil sunflower seed in excess can put on too much fat which can cause egg laying issues by building fat in the abdomen. Other treats are better like an apple or piece of pumpkin. . BOSS once in a while just like cracked corn.
You are wanting them to exercise and move around. A bag of fall leaves dumped in their pen gives them something to scratch thru. You can rake it up several times a day and they will get exercise going at it each time...might put a little treat in there for them to find to kkep them active. Can do the same with a block of straw once in a while. They will find tidbits of wheat.
A few photos..
We had an adult eagle bring two youngsters to hunt on our pastures. They are raising on a neighbor's water shed lake. Photos are fuzzy because we could not get too close and I had the wrong camera with me...

The ducks are getting bigger by the week...now six weeks old and have a bigger "pond".

The Three Cochin boys are finishing up their molt...Splash, Blue and Black. May have to give each his own hens and see what pops. The Splash has really filled out the past few weeks..

TV went out

So old projection type one gets recycled for the fresnal lens, for cooking and fire starting, as well as the tinted plexiglass and brackets which is great windows and winter wind blocks in chicken coops etc.



You are wanting them to exercise and move around.  A bag of fall leaves dumped in their pen gives them something to scratch thru.  You can rake it up several times a day and they will get exercise going at it each time...might put a little treat in there for them to find to kkep them active.

This was an AWESOME idea! They loved it!
I ended up giving them more to do. A hanging basket that I load with lawn weeds and whatever greenery is left from our vegetable garden. I did the fall leaves, too. I also changed their feed from crumble to pellet. They seem to be eating the pellet, just quite a bit more slowly than the crumble. Glad I don't have to deal with all the wasted feed anymore. I know they weren't actually eating much of the powdered portion of the crumbles. Gave them free choice granite grit to help them break down the harder pellets. They seem to be too busy trying to find anything to eat except the pellets to be bored. Ha! So it seems to be helping.

I fed the flock while it was still dark. Three armadillos were grub mining in the yard, and they didn't even look up as I spotlighted each one with my flashlight.

John wanted to say "Hi" at mass this morning, but he said he didn't have the opportunity. When he deacons the mass, he gets pulled in all directions. I'm home with kids and animals. It's been a tough morning because the youngest wants to climb on everything. I've got a saddle set up in the living room for him to climb into and sit on, but he wants to go over the top of the couch, climb the bookcases, and test the limits of the rocking chair.

Agatha and Therese allow the youngest to pet them. If he pulls a tail or pokes an ear, they remove themselves from the room. Every time Agatha climbs into my lap, I think of you and David. I'm grateful to have been in a position to adopt them.
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hi it has been a while miss yall
Hi Joe! Good to see you online.
What do you have in your flock these days? I've got Cinnamon Queens, Naked Necks, Rhode Island Reds, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Eggers, and some crosses. I got some black mottled Orpington chicks last weekend. They're really pretty.
Hi Joe! Good to see you online.
What do you have in your flock these days? I've got Cinnamon Queens, Naked Necks, Rhode Island Reds, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Eggers, and some crosses. I got some black mottled Orpington chicks last weekend. They're really pretty.

im just starting to get thing built back up right now I have Barred Rocks, light Sussex, Orpington, Silkies, Modern game bantams, and Old English game bantams. but have been doing a lot of work and building new pen and breeder houses and plan on adding several more breeds this spring.

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