***OKIES in the BYC III ***

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Hi new to byc , even though I've been coming here for over a year to get advise. It was suggested I join the Oklahoma thread. I think I'm doing this right. I only see posts from 2011. How do I see the newer posts?
@greenbeetle Sorry you didn't get an answer. I'm not familiar with hens raising their own chicks yet. Maybe you'll get an answer today.
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Howdy and welcome to BYC. Don't know if I can answer your question if you can't see the newer post. But you may just need to click on the right page. There is more than 6700 pages going in order. And it takes A LONG LONG time to go though all that. Catching up on a month takes me days.
Help! I have a hen who is standing off to herself, she is lethargic and holds her neck down in her body. She is not very interested in eating. I had a hen last week with the same symptoms, I wormed them and gave them antibiotics. She died, so I'm worried this is something infectious. Should I give more wormer or antibiotics? The hen that died had yellow poop before she died. I haven't noticed that in this one.
I have a broody silkie hen with 7 babies that are 5 weeks old, she has started sparing with them and kind of chasing them, does this mean she is tired of raising them. Or is she just playing with them.  She still calls them for food and things, it has just been the last couple of days I have noticed this.

Honestly I wouldn't stress it. I have 5 week olds outside with no mama and they're fine. But I'm not known for pampering chicks. I'd just watch them. Good luck.
Help! I have a hen who is standing off to herself, she is lethargic and holds her neck down in her body. She is not very interested in eating. I had a hen last week with the same symptoms, I wormed them and gave them antibiotics. She died, so I'm worried this is something infectious. Should I give more wormer or antibiotics? The hen that died had yellow poop before she died. I haven't noticed that in this one.

I googled this and found something saying possibly e-coli. I know nothing about that and am not saying she has it, but maybe look up the symptoms on BYC. Good luck.
I googled this and found something saying possibly e-coli. I know nothing about that and am not saying she has it, but maybe look up the symptoms on BYC. Good luck.

Thank you and it does seem to fit. I keep the coop and water clean. I wonder if there is a cure or if there is anything I can do to prevent further spread of this.
Our coop looked like a murder scene this morning. Blood on all of the hens. We insulated the coop with the shiny backed polystyrene panels last night and my husband didn't cut a hole for the door thinking they'd be okay until he got up and let them out. The girls must have panicked from being enclosed. They apparently tried to peck their way out, because there were large holes in the panels. I think most of the blood came from one of their nostrils, probably from pecking until she hit wood. No one died and I didn't see any open wounds on any of them, but I can tell they were shaken by it. This winter is certainly taking a toll on our girls so far, because their behavior has changed drastically since the days have shortened. One looks like she is stressed enough to molt. I hope they make it. I hate to broadcast all of the problems we've been having, because it's kind of embarrassing but I realize our mistakes and failures could serve as examples for other new chicken folks. Just trying to do my part, even though I know it makes me look bad.

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