***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.
Sorry that stinks. At least it knew love and care the short time it had
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.

Ow poo. I figured with all the extra you did it would have made it. But if underdeveloped nothing you can do. Life on the farm.
4 of my Buffs are completely bob-tailed right now. There's only one of my 6 that doesn't show obvious signs of molt yet, but she's got a few feathers that are starting to lose color and turn out. They just look so funny, but still thankful none went bald. I miss the eggs, but I know my patience will pay off in the end. By the way, I bought a dozen cage-free eggs from the supermarket that are dark reddish brown. They look like Welsummer eggs to me. I didn't think Wellies were used for commercial laying, though. Who knows...

Depending on where you are the market could be sourcing its cage free eggs from some fairly no-traditional chicken breeds. Customers associate white eggs with the industrial hybrids now so darker eggs imply the opposite in many consumer brains.
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.

I am so sorry. I hope mama cow is ok. Such a sad loss.
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.

Sorry to hear that.

Do you vaccinate for lepto?
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.

I am so sorry. I hope mama cow is ok. Such a sad loss.

Momma cow is doing good. Even with her early delivery we were able to milk her for a quart of colostrum the first day and a quart of milk the next. She will dry up quickly now. She knows the calf has died.

Sorry to hear that.

Do you vaccinate for lepto?

Yes we vaccinate with a battery of shots when we give the heifers their cow tags at 8 months which includes lepto and brucellosis. We also give a Covectin 8:1 to all calves at round-up around a month to 6 weeks when we tag and band and then a follow-up at weaning. Any time a cow is run thru the squeeze chute, she gets an 8:1 shot too.
Our little premie heifer Velvet just couldn't overcome the obstacles she faced...under-developed organs, particularly lungs and stomach. We did everything we could to give her the best chance for survival but it just wasn't happening....a harsh reality of farm life.
So sorry.

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