***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hello all! I'm from NE Oklahoma and raise show sheep as well as chickens, and lately it seems like barn cats.
If anyone needs a chicken friendly (read: smart enough to know to run) kitty, I have some cuties!
I haven't been to this forum in years - my ex let his dog kill all my chickens years ago and I basically gave up. I went back to school and finished my undergrad and just defended my MS thesis on Thursday. I also re-married to an amazing guy. I mentioned to him tonight that I'd like to fix the kennel and coop and buy pullets (2 production layers, 4 EEs, maybe a couple Marans... would prefer to get them all from the same person who has NPIP). So tomorrow we're going to buy the wire we need to fix stuff, and after May 10th (last finals that day) we can then buy the birds.

I am so excited!

Welcome back and congrats all around.
Gary said everything was good at home, we got over 3 inches there, but here at work (Warner today) we got over 7 inches I think. The flooding has been insane here in Muskogee county, fire has been doing water rescues all day and night.
i put six call duck eggs under my broody silkie hen a few days ago hopefully on may 23 i should have some baby ducks
Well, my hens are all wet, so they've been out in it some. Some idiot forgot to put the storm flap down last night (pointing at self), so half of the coop is wet, including the nestboxes. My girls aren't happy with me right now, understandably. One of them even laid me a fart-egg. My first like this, so I had to take a picture and share.

WOW I would frame it, never seen an egg that small from a chicken.
:eek: Our electric went off a little before 5pm and fortunately finally came back on a little after 7pm.
With eggs in the hatcher and eggs in two incubators, 35 chicks in one brooder, 50 in another, and 8 ducklings in a brooder, I was scrambling to keep the temperatures going!
Grabbed hand warmers and hot water bottles for the brooders. Then placed towels around and on top of the styrofoam incubator to insulate. Decided not to do anything with the wooden cabinet hatcher....that cabinet is 4.5 feet X 2 feet X 4 feet....figured it would hold temp better if I didn't open the door.
Temps in the incubators dropped only 10 degrees, the hatcher dropped only 12 degrees and the babies were piled, but quiet.
Hopefully the hatching eggs weren't too cold and will hatch without too much trouble. The incubating eggs were set three days ago and should tolerate the cool down.
Crazy day yesterday with the water, all runs were under water- ideas on whether we need to sanitize the runs? a few pics- i finally got logs in there for the chickens that wouldn't come in out of the water, they were sheltered but wouldn't go into the coop - duck pond is AWOL, hubs took a walk around the property, culvert is gone, road into the our place is gone, county came out to make survey that, debris like on out fence where the worst of the water was, 5 feet- ducks were happy though

this is behind the coop

and the ducks were enjoying it- i was more worried about the bantam cochins in the flock, they aren't very tall lol but didn't have any losses :)

a few good stink eyes going after it receded though

@NanaKat sid your cochin roo was the only smart one, he wouldn't leave the coop lol
Just catching up on posts after a while away.

Yea what a rain. Tractor ain't runnin to move hay and I don't think the truck can make it even with 4x4 working.

Howdy and Welcome and/or Welcome back to all those that came while I was gone.

GeeGi I got an egg that size the other wk and one a month before that. The 1st didn't have a yolk. I think it's my Bantam Cornish FINALLY starting to lay. I think a couple of the 4 started months ago and the others are slacking.
My broody's nest got overrun with chickens today and one of the eggs broke on the others. Are the eggs safe?? Should I wash them off or give her all new eggs?

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