***OKIES in the BYC III ***

It is great that you found the sebastopol geese that you were looking for last summer.

I have never raised geese, but wonder if they are like other "seasonal layers" that begin laying in the Spring?
I drink iced coffee, I've got to where I can make it taste exactly like McDonald's. After I quit smoking in 08' I couldn't stand the taste of hot coffee, so weird. You all are making me want a coffee maker and I don't even drink the stuff hot. I do remember BUNN coffee makers were my absolute favorite. They'd make a whole pot of coffee in less than 3 minutes.
Kelly, welcome! It all sounds so simple with your very 1st group of chicks, I thought so anyway. I thought, "Heck, I'll just sell the extra boys, no big deal." What I hadn't counted on is how attached I'd get to those tiny baby beings after taking care of them and worrying over them. Now I have several "bachelor pens" and couldn't ever bear to part with the boys I raised from babies. So hatching & breeding isn't "cool" when you're a fool like me that can't part with them afterwards. The answer for me has been only get chickens over 4 or 5 months of age. Although I don't do so well not getting attached to those either.....
Auctionlover, didn't you say awhile back there was an auction in Blanchard that was going to have Modern Bantams?? The OEGB are going into a 10x10 pen and I've still got plenty of room for some Modern Bantam girls in there, I still really want some ever since I saw them at Shawnee. There's a guy in Edmond that was selling them on Craigslist but he won't sell just females no matter what the price, you have to take a male with them. And I already have a male OEGB who's going in with them & the female OEGB's so I don't want or need another male.
Nana, that tiny baby cockerel of MJ's is adorable!!
Sebastopol geese, if ever I got geese that'd be the breed, I love how they look!
Monett is a three hour drive from our place. I drove that far for POOPS last year, so I could be convinced to drive to Missouri if the event is going to be well attended. Are you considering an annual event or something more frequent? There is a link in my signature line for the planning thread for the North East Oklahoma Chicken Stock to be held in Muskogee, OK, on June 16, 2012. Others on the Okies thread will be planning another large gathering called P.O.O.P.S. (Poultry Owners of Oklahoma Poultry Swap), which, in the past, has been held in locations near Oklahoma City.
Today has been a crappy day. Had to put my cat to sleep. He was young around 2 years old, we have been battling infections for a couple of months now. He steadily declined to where he wasn't even able to eat. Just took him back to the vet, she believes it's either feline lukemia or leporsy (I've dealt w/ both neither one is pretty) He had battled long enough, he was in excrutiating pain and sooooooooo sick. He had not been that bad this entire time, just took a dramatic turn for the worse this weekend.
Morning (okay I know it is almost afternoon) Everyone!

Sounds like everyone is recovering from the holidays with chickens in tow.

My BF and I went to visit Elwood Lightfoot (aka Bill) yesterday. It was a great visit, man makes me feel like a lazy bum with all his projects he is working on. Thanks again Bill for having us over. The llamas freaked out when they smelled the piggy snot on my jeans.
Dexter kept smelling my pant legs then looking up at me really confused. It was so funny.

Well I am going to fire up the new food dehydrator today. Planning on tomatoes first since they will not take long. Once they are done I am going to pack them in olive oil and store them in the fridge. Yummy!!! After that I am going to make apple and pear chips. Double Yummy!

Now that we are officially in the new year what is everyone's plans for their flocks? Inquiring minds want to know.

Next week I am going to set up a breeding pen to start the ameracochin project. Been up in the air about how I want to go with this but think I finally got the traits hammered out that I want to develop. So far I have decided I like the cochin comb more so then the ameraucana's but I like the blue legs better then yellow. Since the blue/green egg breeds is a dominate gene I am not worried about losing that until third gen. so will probably have to breed back again at that point.
Any of you more experienced breeds have any input on this I would be greatly appreciative. Of course the feathered legs and beards are the main trait I am breeding for.

For those who have not heard me talking about my ameracochin project. I am attempting to breed a bird very similiar to the salmon favorelle but with the addition of the above mentioned types. I love the favorelles but because of the limited gene pool they are a difficult bird to raise and maintain. I also want more variety in the colors available. At some point in time I do plan to breed in the favorelle to the line to try and get the extra toes but that will be a few years before that is going to be done. First working on stabilizing the traits and types first. I know this probably sounds silly but I figured if I am going to have chickens then I may as well have a project to work on to create the ultimate chicken. Okay ultimate in this case is a relative term I know.

Anyone who is interested in joining this pursuit is more then welcomed. I will hopefully have splash, black and blue 1st gens by the spring.

Well last day of Winter Break so I better go get some work done.
Yes the only okies in it were Okla, Nanakat, and me. It is pumkin, squash, and gourds. I can't wait to see what seeds I get back, there are 13 that signed up, so hoping that will take care of most of my squash seed needs for 2012.

How awesome. Never thought of doing that!

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