***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Everyone have a wonderful Leap Day/year whatever!

We need a roll call from our friends in Kansas and Missouri to make sure they are ok.
. Lots of storm damage up that way. Keep them in your prayers
Morning everyone, Quick note about the People of Oklahoma Poultry Swap. Nanakat will be our contact person for raffle donations. So if you have something to donate please contact her with the info. Thanks Nana for offering to help and taking this task on for our group.
This will the only fundraiser at POOPS this year so be thinking of what you can donate.
p.s. I think she carries a gun!

What kind of donations? I am sure our family can come up with something, lol.
Today's Leap Day? I didn't even realize that til Monty said so. I got eggs in the mail today! 15 Dark Brahma and 13 Lavender Ameraucana. I've wanted BOTH breeds for a long time and kept putting it out of my head thinking maybe I'd quit wanting them (it's worked on other breeds!) So I guess I'll have to name the ones I keep 'hopping' names, huh? I already know one's just going to have to be 'Jumpstreet' lol Because I'm watching all the old 21 Jumpstreet shows from the 90's. NoCityBoy-about 1/2 these Dark Brahmas are yours if they hatch, ya know. Unless you back out on me

I'm hoping some of the Bantam Favs hatch Friday. I've got 4 eggs in my Little Giant here at home as a test hatch to see how this incubator does. I decided not to buy an incubator, I'll just buy a good electronic temp and humidity gauge, I figure if Bill can make his very own incubator then surely I can manage to get reliable hatches in the one I've got. And the eggs I don't want to risk I'll let Carl hatch for me.
Carl, I'll be over later this afternoon. Probably about 1:00 unless you tell me another time.
Today's Leap Day? I didn't even realize that til Monty said so. I got eggs in the mail today! 15 Dark Brahma and 13 Lavender Ameraucana. I've wanted BOTH breeds for a long time and kept putting it out of my head thinking maybe I'd quit wanting them

now realy mitzi, your female. you can put NOTHING you want out of your head, you only file it away till it is convenient to pull back out!

all those other breeds youve been wanting, their still in there rolling around. as soon as you see one of them the system will pull it up and then you will have more chickens!

its bad luck to have eggs on leap day, you better give those to someone else and let them have the bad luck. you can always get some more!

man, another long day at work. 8 more minutes and i am outa here!
till tomorrow that is
Just got caught up on the thread. Had a busy day yesterday and spent several hours on chores already today. Found a new nice warm spot to start seedlings..... The top of the brooder box. It is nice & warm. I started several different herbs today. I know I want a large are with multiple herb beds, like I use to have in town, I just can't figure out where I want to put the herbs here on the farm.

Oh my rooster that lost his crow is back to business as usual. Not sure what made him sound like he had a sore throat. Glad he is sounding better!
its bad luck to have eggs on leap day, you better give those to someone else and let them have the bad luck. you can always get some more!

Oh she will give them someone.... she is giving them to Carl to hatch.
Of course they won't bring him bad luck because he is so nice to hatch all these eggs for us and is so nice to teach us all "chicken math"
I went out & watched the birds for a while & seems like over night all my cockerels developed their pointy hackel feathers. I put leg bands on them about a month ago, seems like they all hit a growth spurt. My NN boys are just huge compared to the EE boys. I am glad I hatched these in the fall, it was a good learning experience. Since we have 4 real brooder boxes we may hatch in the fall again this yr. I just don't like hatching guineas past July or early August. They have a much harder time transitioning to the cold it seems. the ones I hatched late last summer are still on the small side.
I shipped three boxes of eggs today. The post office worker said I needed to think about having a custom shipping label made. I thought about it, so here's what I came up with. Do you think this will make USPS take better care of my egg boxes?
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